Sunday, April 30, 2023

Wish Upon (2017)



Four "Daring Wishes" Stars

Watched on Tubi


Clare's dad gives her an old music box that he bought from an estate sale. The music box is considered a wish box that will grant seven wishes. Clare doesn't really realize that the wish box works till she tries it out and her first wish comes true. But then Clare gets hooked on using the wish box but she doesn't realize that every wish she makes something bad happens to someone until things spiral out of control and she thinks that maybe she shouldn't even have the box. 


I thought this was a good movie - even though it was kind of cheesy I felt that it still had a good plot and storyline - the wish box granting Clare's wishes really seemed to work but then when it takes a life it would do it in such a way that I was cringing in parts of the movie. Though I had a feeling how a couple of the bad things were going to go so yelling at the tv never works either. lol  


Clare was played by Joey King who I have seen in some other movies including the first movie I had seen her in was The Conjuring. Some of the other characters I don't remember seeing in anything else but all in all the movie was really good and I am glad that I watched it. 

Here is the movie trailer for your viewing:

Wish Upon Movie Trailer

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Spindel by Mia Dalia



Five "Nail Biting Tension " Stars


A very small taste of what lies within:

Johnny Walker has a sneaky suspicion that the town banker, Mr. Spindel could possibly be a serial killer as some girls have gone missing and though nothing is actually pointing toward the town banker, Johnny just has a "feeling" that the banker is somehow involved. Though proving it will be another matter!

That is about all I can give on a very small taste as this story is super short so if you are intrigued then go read this book!


This was my first time reading this author and I was impressed by how quick I was pulled into the storyline. There are two storylines to follow as well which flowed quite well between both sets of POV's. One pov from Johnny' view and then there is a pov from one of the missing girls. 

Author, Mia Dalia took me on a quick short romp into psychological terror that kept me glued to my kindle in a state of suspense! Looking forward to reading more books by this author as she has couple or so more books out there to delve into! 

Attached is the author, Mia Dalia, profile page from Goodreads:

Mia Dalia Goodreads Profile

Attached is the author, Mia Dalia, profile page from Amazon:

Mia Dalia Amazon Profile

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Goodreads Review

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

100 Feet (2008)



Five "Scary" Ghosts

Own on DVD


This is my second all time favorite movie and I don't care how many times I watch it the movie will creep me out every time. I feel this movie is so underrated and actually obscure within the horror movie world. The first time I watched it was actually through Netflix as I use to borrow movies on dvd (I didn't have the streaming at that time) but I saw it on the Netflix website and it looked really good. I was impressed by how scary it was along with the cool graphics of some of the scenes - there are some brutal parts in the movie. 

Small synopsis for you: 

Marnie Watson spent seven years in prison for murdering her husband in self defense but she is finally released under house arrest in the same home where she killed her husband. With her being back in her home she starts hearing things within the home and then starts seeing things. She soon realizes that her husband is back and he is not a happy camper as he starts to go after her for sending him to the grave. 


The main character Marnie Watson is played by Famke Janssen and she is superb in this movie role. The other two main characters are Joey (played by Ed Westwick) and Shanks (played by Bobby Cannavale).  

This movie will definitely keep you snuggled down in your cozy chair and I would recommend watching it in the dark for extra effect as this movie will have you screaming at the tv. I was yelling at the tv the first time I watched it as I was wanting her to get the hell out of lockdown and just get out of there - lol - but of course she has to stay there or they will just throw her back in jail - but jail would probably be a picnic to what she has to go through in her home. 

If you can find this movie - go check it out. I have not seen it playing on any network either for a very long time. I had bought the movie from Amazon a long time ago. 

Unfortunately no gifs were found for this movie - however I do have the youtube video movie trailer that you can watch. Check this out: 

100 Feet movie trailer

Monday, April 24, 2023

The Midnight Man (2016)


Four "Scary Spook" Stars

Watched on Tubi


I came across this movie Friday night as I was trying to find something to watch. There was one movie I wanted to see but the audio wasn't working on the movie so I just scrolled through the movies and came across this one. It sounded good so I decided to try it. The movie has not received that great of reviews and ratings but like with anything I like to try it out for myself. 

I thought the movie was really good as it had all the right spookiness and the actor, Robert Englund played in it as a doctor and Lin Shaye is in the movie as the grandmother. Gabrielle Haugh plays the granddaughter who really is the main character in the movie. 

The story is about an older woman (a grandmother) that has her granddaughter living with her as a caretaker as the grandmother has dementia and needs 24 hour care. But when her granddaughter invites over her boyfriend  - they discover in the attic a box that is sealed tight with string - when they open it out of curiosity they end up playing a game that is within the box - which summons the Midnight Man. (I thought I would toss out a small synopsis of the story to whet your appetite.).

There are quite a few jump scares within this movie and I found myself spooking out some but the spooky stuff moves at a fast pace as it kept me riveted to my chair. 

All in all a really good movie and I enjoyed it as I felt it was like one of those B-Horror movies. 

Unfortunately I could find no gifs for this movie. 

Under the Wicked Moon by Abe Moss



Five "Wicked Witch Woes" Stars

Terrifying & Creepy!

A small taste of what lies within:

Maria Jenkins watches her brother Michael wander off one night from a motel that her and her family were staying at so she followed him as he seemed to be in some sort of trance but then Maria is knocked out from type of force. 

Maria wakes up in a some sort of cave and realizes that she has been chained to a wall along with someone else who she thinks is Michael but it is someone totally different. Then the real terror begins as she sees three women across the cave and they are doing some type of ritual, but all she cares about is getting free and finding Michael before things turn really bad!

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you intrigued then go grab this book!


This was my first time reading this author and I was impressed with how quick I was pulled into the storyline. The pace of the book is super fast after the 50% mark. There was some world building a little bit in the beginning and then a major twist with some extreme horror but then it smoothed out with some psychological horror keeping the pace and suspense building quickly. 

I really liked the main character, Maria as she was the strong and determined type that was not going to back down from any type of situation. The last half of the book I read quick as there was just so much going on that there was no way I was putting down the book! 

Looking forward to reading more books by this author as it seems that he has quite a few books out there to pursue. 

Attached is the author, Abe Moss, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Abe Moss, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Child's Play by Andrew Neiderman


Five "Twisted Terror" Stars

Creepy Kids!

A small taste of what lies within:

Alex and Sharon Gold decide to take in four foster children that are troubled with different family backgrounds with age ranges from teenagers to young children. When all the children get settled into their new home, Alex starts teaching them the ways of what he grew up learning from his father. 

Eventually the children become so well behaved that they are almost like soldiers as they listen to everything that Alex says and does whereas with Sharon they seem to blatantly ignore anything she tries to do for them. Though by the time that Sharon realizes what is really going on it is almost too late as Alex has taught the children more than just the normal ways of their lives he has turned the kids into some sort of sadistic cult and he will do anything for his "children" whether Sharon likes it or not!

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you are intrigued then go read this book! 


This was my first time reading this author and I have owned this book since 2016 but just never did step into it till now. 

I loved the writing style of the author and I was pulled right away into the storyline though it took a little time for the suspense to build up as there was a quite a bit of a backstory for each of the children so it took the author some time to get to the main gist of the story. 

Once the story started churning along with things that were happening then the story broke wide open and there was quite a bit of psychological horror weaved in throughout the book. I felt bad for the character Sharon as she had to endure what her husband was turning the kids into so I was in a state of anxiety through some of the book as I didn't know how it was all going to come together but I just kept reading as I wanted to see what was going to happen next. 

All in all I loved the story as it kept my insomnia fueled for the last few days as once I hit the half way point of the book then it just took off quick and I had a hard time putting it down after the 50% mark.  Looking forward to reading more by this author at some point as he has quite a few books out there to read. 

Attached is the author, Andrew Neiderman, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Andrew Neiderman, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021)



Five Devils

Watched on Tubi


I watched this movie last night and it was really scary. I have watched the Conjuring franchise and have been impressed on how the movies have the scary theme running through them. This movie though I felt was scarier than the other two. 

I know a lot of people have mixed reviews/opinions about the Warrens and that is all fine and good but I have always loved to read and watch the true paranormal stuff as well as read/watch horror movies. I don't care really what people think about them but I do not believe they were fake. Of course that is just my opinion.   

The movies are still scary whether anyone believes they are true or not as horror is horror in whatever form it comes in. I feel that this movie outdid the other two movies and I am happy that I was able to watch it as I didn't know that it was on Tubi till I was scrolling through the network last night looking for a scary horror movie to watch and that movie popped up, but it is only on Tubi for another week or so then it will be gone. I haven't found the movie on any other network to watch either which is interesting as normally I can find the same movies sometimes on Prime or Paramount+. 

Also I love Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga with their roles as the Warrens. I have seen both of them play in other movies too which I love watching them within other roles as well. 

Here are some gifs from the movie:

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

IT (1990)



Five Clowns

Own on DVD


One of my favorite horror movies of all time. I have watched this movie hundreds of times. I love the original movie as I love all the celebrities that played in this one. A few of them had played on tv shows that I grew up watching as well so to me this movie has an all-star cast. 

I know a lot of people love the remake better which I have seen but to me my love for this movie will always be with the original movie. 

I have read the book too which actually has been quite awhile since I have read it. I read it years and years ago like back in the 90's sometime so I am wanting to do a reread of it at some point as since I read it years ago I don't have a review for it over on Goodreads. 

When I first joined Goodreads which was back in 2011, I ended up inserting a lot of my King books that I had read in the 80's/90's within the website but I didn't write reviews as I didn't realize how important the reviews were at that time so I just added star ratings. So on my Goodreads "King" shelf some of his books are only star rated. I have since been doing rereads of his work and adding reviews to the books. 

So I have always been happy with this movie even though it is a long one - I have always enjoyed watching it and will always snuggle down in my cozy chair for a night of snacks/drinks and to pop this movie in for a night of scary thrills! 

Here are some movie gifs for added flavor on this movie blog:

Monday, April 17, 2023

Ronald Kelly - Books Read

This list comprises all the books I have read by this author along with star ratings and links to the blogs I have done for these books are listed below each book. However, in the event that a book does not have a blog link then I will post the review from Goodreads. 

Note: This blog features old and new book covers as well but the blog links will probably have the older book covers as some blogs were posted before book cover updates. 

The books are listed in no particular order. 

Fear - 5🌟

Blog link:

Undertaker's Moon - 5🌟

Blog link:

Blood Kin - 5🌟

Blog link:

The Essential Sick Stuff - 5🌟

Blog link:

Mister Glow-Bone and Other Halloween Tales - 4🌟

Blog link:

The Halloween Store and Other Tales of All Hallows' Eve - 5🌟

Blog link:

Season's Creepings: Tales of Holiday Horror - 5🌟

Blog link:

Irish Gothic: Tales of Celtic Horror - 5🌟

Blog link:

The Web of La Sanguinaire & Other Arachnid Horrors - 5🌟

Blog link:

The Saga of Dead Eye Book One: Vampires, Zombies & Mojo Men - 5🌟

Blog link:

(NOTE: As I read more books by this author - the books will be updated on this blog.)

Rattus New Yorkus (One Size Eats All #2) by Hunter Shea



Five "Rats Snack Attack" Stars

Rat Action!

A small taste of what lies within:

City exterminators Chris Jackson along with his ex-wife Benita are pulled into a city problem as rats have invaded the city of Manhattan. Dr. Randolph Finch invented a rat poison that was supposedly to kill the rats over a period of time but for some reason the rats are not dying and instead they seem to be everywhere! 

Now with the rats growing in numbers, Chris and Benita are going to have their hands full trying to get rid of the rats as these are not "ordinary" rats that have invaded the city but some type of mutation that seems to make them eat "anything" as they over run the city! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This book was one fun read even though it was page to page about rats! Author, Hunter Shea is always fun to read when it comes to creature features books as in no time at all I found myself wrapped up within the pages of the story and ended up reading almost half the book in one sitting! 

This book was great with the characters and the dialogue as I found myself chuckling through some of the story as well with the quips between Chris and Benita. Lots of creature action in this book as it was non-stop with the "rat" action 

Another great book by this author and looking forward to tackling the other books I own by him soon as it is always fun to step into a "Shea" book!

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Friday, April 14, 2023

In the Murder House by Daniel Powell



Five "Haunting Nightmare" Ghost Stars!

Malevolent Spook!

A small taste of what lies within:

Jason Denton along with his daughter, Kayla have moved into a house that has ties to a long ago murder but they don't know it till things go awry after Jason has been invited to a neighborhood sΓ©ance. After the sΓ©ance the house becomes "active" with a malevolent ghost that is out for revenge and wants to take control of his daughter! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers as this was a short story, so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was my first time reading this author and I am so glad that I finally read this book as I have owned it for about six years. I wish I had read it before now as it would make a great book to read around Halloween as this book was a scary short read. 

The spookiness of the story seeped down into my psych and I ended up reading half the book within about an hour or so. The pace is very fast with the haunting and I sped through the book in about 24 hours! Looking forward to checking out more books by this author as he seems to have quite a few out there. 

Attached is the author, Daniel Powell, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Daniel Powell, profile page from Amazon:

My review from Goodreads:

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hearing Evil (Cycle of Evil #2) by Jason Parent



Five "Intense Suspense" Stars

Taut Thriller!

A small taste of what lies within:

Michael Turcotte is back along with Detective Samantha Reilly who has become Michael's caretaker in this installment. Michael has more to deal with in this story as his old school chum that killed a boy bully in the last book has resurfaced in this story with a whole new set of problems. 

There is a gang that has taken over the streets and they have zoned in on Michael as they find out what he is capable of and want to use him for their own means, but Detective Reilly will have to do all she can to keep anything from happening to Michael!

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this series!


This book just stayed with the pace of the first book and kept the suspense/intense thrills wrapped tight within this story as well. 

I love the crime detective concept tightly bound together with the supernatural as it is so easy to fall right into the storyline and the smooth writing style of the author just keeps me entranced with all what is happening within the storyline. Looking forward to wrapping up the trilogy and see what will happen in the last book. 

Attached is the author, Jason Parent, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Jason Parent, profile page from Amazon:

My review from Goodreads:

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The School of Revenge by Michael Richan



Four "Twisted Revenge" Stars

Terror Troubles!

A small taste of what lies within:

Aaron and Phillip are best friends who always seem to get picked on by the bullies in school including some of the jocks from the football team. They both get a chance to reverse the tables and get some revenge when an opportunity arises from an outside source to help them take down the bullies for good. 

Though it comes at a great price to get what they want and when they decide to attend a meeting with some people that tells them they can take care of the bullies in their lives once and for all, the two friends decide that they will not let this chance slip by them, so they go to check it out but all is not what it seems and they soon realize that revenge might not be so sweet after all as what kind of people are behind these meetings are beyond the friends imagination!

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This story was a grabber as something happens right away that pulled me into the story and kept me wrapped within its clutches throughout the book. I really liked the characters, Aaron and Phillip as I could feel their frustrations at being picked on by the bullies and wanting to exact some revenge back at them. 

The story moved along a great pace and it kept me wanting to read more of the story to see what would be happening to all the characters involved. I have been wanting to read more by this author lately as I have a few books by him on my kindle that have been simmering for years and so I decided to finally tap back into his work. 

This book was a great revenge story but it was more than horror as the author crosses over into the sci-fi realm as he throws an alien twist into the story about halfway through the book which took this story in a different direction than what I was expecting but it still kept me glued to the pages. The story reminded me a little bit of the horror/sci-fi movie "The Faculty" as far as the alien concept of the story. All in all it was a great story and I look forward to reading more books by this author. 

Attached is the author, Michael Richan, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Michael Richan, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Witching Hour Theatre by Jonathan Janz



Four "Twisted Theatre" Stars

Slice & Dice Action!

A small taste of what lies within:

Larry Wilson loves going to the cinema to watch movies and especially looks forward to the Friday night cinema which shows three horror movies. 

When Larry heads into the theatre after grabbing his movie snacks he notices there are a few people within but he knows that they will probably start thinning out after the first movie as no one usually stays for all three movies unless they have nothing else to do, but Larry starts noticing some of the theatre patrons missing here and there. When the last movie appears the real horror begins and Larry becomes part of the horror which sends him into survival mode! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was a quick short story that I read in about 24 hours and the story threw me into some movie horror action as the author threw in some "guts and gore" visuals which had me reaching for my gore suit! 

The visual images of the theatre along with the popcorn actually had me thinking I was at the movie theatre as I could see the scene unfolding in my minds eye as I read this book! There was quite a bit of slice and dice action within which made the pace of this book go into lightning speed. Really enjoyed this debut book by author, Jonathan Janz! 

Attached is the author, Jonathan Janz, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Jonathan Janz, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my Goodreads review:

Monday, April 10, 2023

The Forgotten Island by David Sodergren



Four "Creature Feature Fun" Stars!

Twisted Blood and Gore Action!

A small taste of what lies within:

Ana Logan along with her sister, Rachel decide that they want to go to Thailand to have some fun as Ana and Rachel want to reconnect after a rocky relationship. But when they both end up on a boat with some people from a party they had attended things go awry as the boat is drifting out in the middle of nowhere. 

The partygoers see land finally which looks to be maybe a deserted island so a few of them swim towards it to check it out but even though the island looks to be uninhabitable doesn't mean that there is no life on the island and before they all realize it they are in more danger than they could ever have imagined as "what" lies in "wait" on the island is far beyond their worst nightmares!

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was my first time reading this author as far as a full novel as I read his work in an anthology recently which gave me a taste of his writing style. This book is parallel of those old "B horror movies" that I use to watch when I was a kid. 

Some of the characters I didn't care for but as far as the horror action along with lots of blood and gore kept me totally wrapped within the clutches of this story. There was some crazy and twisted stuff within this book to the point where I read this whole book within 36 hours as I could not put it down! There was quite a bit of "creature feature" action that kept my insomnia fueled a couple of nights and the pace picks up more once I read past the 50% mark of the book!

Another author added to my ever growing list of authors discovered! Looking forward to reading more work by this author in the future. 

Attached is the author, David Sodergren, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, David Sodergren, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Bone White by Ronald Malfi



Five "Mysterious Murders" Stars

Intense Suspense!

A small taste of what lies within:

Paul Gallo heads to a place called Dread's Hand that is set out in Alaska as his twin brother Danny has been missing for over a year and the last place he was known to be was in the backwoods town of Dread's Hand. A local man has confessed to murdering some people in Dread's Hand and Paul seems to think that his brother might be one of the victims. 

When Paul arrives in the town - the townspeople are not very helpful and they more or less shun Paul as he tries to find answers. The only one that seems willing to help is Jill Ryerson - a detective out of the town of Fairbanks but even that doesn't seem to help much as the locals in Dread's Hand has secrets and they don't want anyone tramping around in their territory along with keeping their secrets hidden from outsiders!

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


It has been awhile since I read a book by Malfi but my goodness, I was captured right away with this story and kept wrapped up within its pages not too long as I was flying through this story! The story was atmospheric to the point it felt like I was living through the pages and could feel everything that was happening to the characters. 

The creepy folklore that resonated throughout the story also kept me reading at a fast pace as I wanted to see what kind of mystery seemed to be wrapped within the town of Dread's Hand. I literally read this book within 48 hours as I could not put it down! Looking forward to reading more books by this author as I own quite a few that I have not stepped into yet. 

Attached is the author, Ronald Malfi, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Ronald Malfi, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Authors I Have Discovered - Part X


The next 10 authors I have discovered in the last five years are as follows:

John Durgin (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:
John Durgin

Amazon Author Profile:
John Durgin

Book Read:

The Cursed Among Us


This author's work kept coming across my Goodreads feeds last year and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so we had a buddy read of the book this year in one of my groups with the author coming over as well to discuss the book. I read this book fast as I could hardly put it down and I loved it so much that I grabbed his other work too. Planning on read his book Inside the Devil's Nest soon. 

Steve Stred (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:
Steve Stred

Amazon Author Profile:
Steve Stred

Author's Website:

Book Read:

Churn of the Soil


I had been seeing this author's books for awhile and I do have a few of his books on my kindle. This book came up as a guest author read in the group, Horror Aficionados last month (March) and I decided to join the group read with author to check out the book. Loved this book so much as it was very creepy and mysterious that I cannot wait to read the other books I have by him. 

Juliet Rose (Fiction/Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:
Juliet Rose

Amazon Author Profile:
Juliet Rose

Author's Website:

Book Read:

Through the Surface


I like checking out books by "new to me" authors and I read the synopsis on this book as it is wrapped around the occult. It sounded really good so I decided to jump into it as I was in the mood for something spooky. I ended up with more than spooks as this book was scary wild and kept me up a few nights reading it! I even had some wicked dreams with this one but that always means to me that the book was excellent enough to wrap itself around my psyche core! :)  Looking forward to reading more books by this author. 

Joe Hart (Fiction/Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:
Joe Hart

Amazon Author Profile:
Joe Hart

Books Read:

And the Sea Called Her Name


I kept seeing the book "And the Sea Called Her Name" coming across my Goodreads feeds a few years back and wanted to see why some of my friends were reading it. The book definitely was a creepy ride and then I noticed that his other books looked just as creepy so I read his book Lineage next and that book also was spooky. Looking forward to reading more books by this author. 

Shane Carrow (Horror/Fantasy/Science Fiction)

Goodreads Author Profile:
Shane Carrow

Amazon Author Profile:
Shane Carrow

Books Read:

Vampire on the Orient Express (Avery & Carter #1)
Werewolf on the Western Front (Avery & Carter #2)


I wanted something different a few years back and came across the book "Vampire on the Orient Express" by this author. I loved it so much as the gothic writing style reminded me of the days of old and the writing style just flowed along. Then I read his book "Werewolf on the Western Front" and I loved it as well. I now have his third book "The Heart of the Mummy" on my kindle which I will be reading it soon. 

Bobby Adair (Horror/Science Fiction)

Goodreads Author Profile:
Bobby Adair

Amazon Author Profile:
Bobby Adair

Author's Website:

Books Read:

Zero Day (Slow Burn #1)
Infected (Slow Burn #2)


I had been seeing this authors books come across my Goodreads feeds a few years back and though I don't read a lot of zombie books I will step into them once in awhile. I own the the complete set of the two I have read that I listed above. Just need to finish the series. :)

J.M. Barlog  (Horror/Fantasy)

Goodreads Author Profile:
J.M. Barlog

Amazon Author Profile:
J.M. Barlog

Author's Website:

Books Read:

Dark Side: The Haunting
Windows to the Soul
New Year's Bloody Eve


I hadn't really seen the books by this author come across Goodreads feeds. I had actually been reading something and one of his books came up as a comparison on Goodreads so I checked it out which was the book "Windows to the Soul" and ended up really liking the book, so I went and grabbed more books by this author. I have a couple more spooky books to step into at some point. 

Alan Baxter (Horror/Fantasy/Science Fiction)

Goodreads Author Profile:
Alan Baxter

Amazon Author Profile:
Alan Baxter

Author's Website:

Book Read:

Sallow Bend


This book I had actually been seeing on Facebook being advertised with promos and then I started seeing it pop up on Goodreads as some of my friends were reading it. I decided to step into it late last year and I felt the book was really creepy. I have some more books on my tbr I need to read by this author at some point. 

Michael R. Cole  (Horror/Science Fiction)

Goodreads Author Profile:
Michael Cole

Amazon Author Profile:
Michael Cole

Books Read:



I had been reading something about sharks about four years ago and the book "Thresher" popped up as a comparison so I grabbed it and decided to check out this author. I am so happy that I did as I loved the book and was actually looking up stuff while reading it to learn more about this type of shark in that story. Since then I have read his book "Scar" last summer and really enjoyed it as well.

Mark L'estrange (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:
Mark L'estrange

Amazon Author Profile:
Mark L'estrange

Books Read:

The Haunted House from Hell


This author is another one that popped up with a comparison read from Goodreads as I had been reading a book with a haunted house and the book "The Haunted House from Hell" came up. So I checked it out and ended up loving the book which sent me on a quest to see what else this author had out there. I have a few more of his on my tbr that I need to read at some point in the future. 

Final Thoughts:

So that is my wrap up of 10 more authors that I have discovered within the last few years. More to come of this series soon. 

Happy Reading! πŸ˜ŠπŸ“š