Saturday, November 28, 2020

Violet Eyes by John Everson


☀  ☀  ☀  ☀  ☀

Five "Creepy Spider" Stars

This book was a bug biting and creepy crawling invasion that kept me glued to my kindle as I flew through the story at breakneck speed! 

A very small taste or "bite" to wet your appetite:

Spiders and flies have invaded the small town of Passanatte as the town is overrun with the crawling and flying infestation. When Rachel and her son moved there the town seemed quiet and peaceful, but mother nature has run amok which brings the town of Passanatte to an invasion that seems to be almost like a bug plague! 

That is about all I can give as you can read the rest of the juicy biting details in my review over on Goodreads!


Lots of spider and fly action which keeps this book rocking along near 500mph! I felt like I had been on some kind of supersonic jet as when the spider action kicked into high gear I literally could not put this book down. Read almost 30% of it in one sitting and then stayed awake late a couple of nights as the story just kept moving along at a high rate of speed! The characters are very believable and I became attached to them as they endured the bug invasion as when the spiders go into bite mode there is no stopping them! 

For my full review of the book, Violet Eyes, by author, John Everson, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is the website of author, John Everson:

Friday, November 27, 2020

Afterlife: Ghostland 2.0 (Ghostland Trilogy Book 2) by Duncan Ralston



Five "Ghost-Spooked" Stars

Wow! The next book in the Ghostland trilogy has struck gold again as I was flipping through pages faster than a speeding bullet with all the activity that was abounding within this book!

A very small taste of what is laying within these pages without giving away spoilers:

The villain, Rex Garrote is back and is causing havoc in the town of Duck Falls, but that is not the only thing happening as there are murders being committed too which sends this book into "high ghost gear" and the characters Lilian and Ben are back as they are now freeing trapped spirits. 

That is about all I can give in a "taste" as you will have to read the rest of my review over on Goodreads for a touch more of what to expect.

As always with books by author, Duncan Ralston there is to be expected some blood and gore along with plenty of action, so I knew when I first started reading the book that the crap was going to be hitting the fan and it was soon coming down the pike! I was not disappointed as that is exactly what happened and I am still feeling the effects of the book a day later! 

Small note: The book releases on December 9th and is up for pre-order on Amazon. 

For my full review of the book, Afterlife: Ghostland 2.0, by author, Duncan Ralston, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Amazon:

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Violet Lagoon by John Everson



Four "Spider Bite" Stars

This was a bug bite bloody and gory book that I romped through within about an hour! I have been wanting to read this book for awhile and finally decided to step into this "bug infested" short story!

Here is a very small taste of what is inside without giving away spoilers:

Four friends get together to go to a private island to have some fun and they discover mutant bugs (spiders mostly) that have taken over the island. What starts out as a fun time for the friends turns into a fight for survival! 

That is about all I can give on a taste of what to expect, but if you want just a little more insight into the story be-bop over to Goodreads to read the rest of my review.

Fast paced action, bugs galore, blood and gore, all lie within the pages of this short story. There is a sequel called "Violet Eyes" which I will be reading next to continue into the spider world as I want to see what else happens with these creepy crawly spiders! 

For my full review of the book, Violet Lagoon, by author, John Everson, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Amazon:

Monday, November 23, 2020

Haunted: Purgatory by Lee Mountford



Five "Spooktacular" Stars

Wow! What a wrap up to the Haunted series! 

This whole book was rocking along from the first page to the last page and there was no time to breathe or come up for air as once the haunting became full blown it was off to the "ghost" races!  There is still major demonic activity within this book as well as the ghosts are not the only thing flitting around the manor!

A very small taste of what to expect in this story without giving away spoilers:

Artefacts have been discovered within the manor that could be connected to a portal to Hell which sends the owner of the manor (Sarah) to bringing in the paranormal team led by David Ritter. When things become "too hot to handle" David has to bring in a priest to conduct an investigation of the description of the artefacts and how they are tied into the manor. 

That is about all I can give on a taste as you will need to read my full review on Goodreads. 

The book was the perfect wrap up to this creepy, suspense filled horror series and the fast pace of the book just keeps everything in tune with the demonic/ghostly series! 

Author, Lee Mountford just grabs you from the get-go and slam dunks you into that cozy chair you are curled up in as when the crap hits the fan in the manor you better make sure you have your "rosary beads and holy water" ready as you are going to need it as you fight alongside the paranormal team! 

For my full review of the book, Haunted: Purgatory, by author, Lee Mountford, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Lee Mountford, profile page from Goodreads

Attached is the author, Lee Mountford, profile page from Amazon:

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Top Reads of 2017

This was an interesting year and loaded down with books as I read 125 books on my Goodreads challenge! Though that wasn't the pledge I made as I had pledged 80 and then got on a "reading roll"! So this list will be interesting as I read lots of horror, but what else is new, right? lol  So I will add probably just five star reads on here since there are so many books! Also I am just providing the links to the blurb of the book - not my actual review. The reviews will be individual for these books I read. Just want to clarify that so no one is disappointed about not seeing the actual review link. :)

My top reads of 2017 are as follows:


The Devil's Woods by Brian Moreland

Dead of Winter by Brian Moreland

The Witching House by Brian Moreland

Devil Board (A Dark Tale of Occult Horror) by Glen Frost

Big Bad by David Brian

Beneath the Boards by David Haynes

Dracula by Bram Stoker

The Haunted by Bentley Little

Nightmares and Dreamscapes by Stephen King

Pet Sematary by Stephen King

The Mourning House by Ronald Malfi

The Folcroft Ghosts by Darcy Coates

Angel Manor by Chantal Noordeloos

Children of the Dark by Jonathan Janz

Dead End Street by Rick R. Reed

Chasing Ghosts by Glenn Rolfe

Salvage by Duncan Ralston

Summer of Night by Dan Simmons

The Halloween Children by Brian James Freeman

The Demonic by Lee Mountford

Extreme Horror:

Hillary (Tail of the Dog) by Angel Gelique


Wizard Rising by Toby Neighbors

Urban Fantasy:

A Traitor's War by Graeme Rodaughan

True Paranormal:

The House on Judith Street by Monte Plaisance

The UnHallowed by Monte Plaisance

Grave's End: A True Ghost Story by Elaine Mercado

The People in the Attic: The Haunting of Doretta Johnson by Doretta Johnson

True Crime:

Lust Killer by Ann Rule

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Haunted: Devil's Door by Lee Mountford



Five "Spooky" Stars

Wow!! Author, Lee Mountford, just knows how to grab the readers and literally drag them "kicking and screaming" into the haunted recesses of his mind! You think you will be able to escape his clutches as you are flipping through the pages of this book?! Think again! As once you enter into his world there truly is no escape plan so you might as well get "comfortable and enjoy" the horror that he has laid out before you! 

A small taste of what lies within the pages of this book which is a continuation of the Haunted series:

The haunting escalates in this story as Marcus Blackwater (the owner of the manor) has set into motion plans to turn the manor into a hotel and he sets out doing just that along with hiring the Pearsons to renovate the manor to get it ready for Halloween night that is a few months away, but what the Pearsons do not know is that there is something evil brewing in the mind of Marcus and hell is going to come calling on Halloween night!

That is about all I can give away without giving away spoilers and you will have to read my full review to get more of a gist of what is inside these pages of this story. 


This was another excellent book in this series and it drives the creepy theme up through the roof! But then again, author Lee Mountford has a habit of "driving the creepiness" straight into your mind and body! So hang on for dear life as you are swept away into the haunted realms of a "Mountford" horror story! 

Small note: This book releases November 26th. 

For my full review of the book, Haunted: Devil's Door, by author, Lee Mountford, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Lee Mountford, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Lee Mountford, profile page from Amazon:

If It Bleeds by Stephen King


Five "Spectacular" Stars

The Master of Horror has done it again with this short story collection as he weaved some very interesting stories within these pages. 

Four short stories which are:

Mr. Harrigan's Phone
Life of Chuck
If It Bleeds

Tidbits are going to be rough on this blog as I gave tidbits on my review as well, but I will say this: All four stories were great which includes a friendship that lasts beyond the grave, an end of the world story that revolves around one man, a tragic disaster involving a middle school (this story has characters that are from King's books "The Outsider" and the "Bill Hodges Trilogy") and the last story deals with a struggling author. 

That is about all the tidbits I can give, but all the stories have some kind of "moral to the story" theme to them. My absolute favorite of all four is the first story of "Mr. Harrigan's Phone" which was a very poignant and emotional story. I just loved this story as it is a story of boundless friendship but it does have some creepy aspects to it. I cannot say more than that as you will just have to read the book. 

Four stories = a great collection! 

For my full review of the book, If It Bleeds, by author, Stephen King, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Stephen King, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Stephen King, profile page from Amazon:

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Land of Bones by Glenn Rolfe



Four "Twisted Fun" Stars

Fourteen short stories run amok in this book and there are a few strange stories, but all of them are grabbers! I read this book back in 2018 as I wanted to step into some quick short reads and with any book by this author the stories usually have some kind of twist to them but always a romping fun time! 

Here are just a few titles found within the pages:

Ghosts of Spears; Simon; Not Kansas Anymore; Wish; Welcome to Paradise; The Fixer and there are a few more, but as always these kind of stories just whisk you away into the mind of author, Glenn Rolfe giving you chills and thrills. 

For my full review of the book, Land of Bones, by author, Glenn Rolfe, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Amazon:

Monday, November 16, 2020

Ghosthunter (The Haunted Hamlet Book 1) by Jeff DeGordick



Five "Ghostly" Stars

This was a spooky book and it was my second book by this author. When I read the blurb of the story it sounded so good that I just had to step into this series.

A little taste of what is inside without giving away spoilers.

A ghost hunting business run by a man named Simon has just become interesting as his new client wants him to investigate a haunted house where three boys have gone missing. An evil ghost inhabits the house and Simon has to find out why the house is haunted along with trying to find out what happened to the boys.

That is about all I can give on a taste as you will have to read my review on Goodreads for just a little more information of the house haunting.

The author has a great writing style as he was able to pull me into the story quickly and kept me there for the duration of the book. The ghostly atmosphere of the story just wrapped itself around me and once I was literally entrapped in the story there was no way I could lay down the book!

For my full review of the book, Ghosthunter (The Haunted Hamlet Book 1), by author, Jeff DeGordick, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Jeff DeGordick, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Jeff DeGordick, profile page from Amazon:

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Boo! by David Haynes


Four "Spooky" Stars

This was a great spooky story that I read back in December of 2016 and it was also my first introduction to author, David Haynes. What a way to step into his world as this book whisked me away to the spooky tendrils of his mind! 

A very small taste of what is inside without giving away spoilers:

Murders are taking place and the crime scenes seem to be taken from the pages of a book that was written about a clown named "Sparkles". 

That is about all I can give without spoilers, but you can read a little more in my review on Goodreads 

This creepy book set me off on a hunt to grab everything that this author wrote as this story just gave me the willies and it also gave me another reason not to like clowns! 

For my full review of the book, Boo!, by author, David Haynes, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, David Haynes, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, David Haynes, profile page from Amazon:

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Grayson Manor Haunting by Cheryl Bradshaw



Four "Suspenseful" Stars

This was a mysterious and suspenseful ghost story. I have found a new author to pursue as well. I own a few of this authors books and have been wanting to jump in to read her, so I finally decided to "take the leap"! :)

A little taste of what is inside:

A woman (Addison) inherits a manor from her mother who has recently died and Addison decides to stay there along with sprucing up the place. But the manor holds many secrets from the past and she finds out that the manor is also haunted. There is more than "skeletons in the closet" with this suspenseful tale. 

That is about all I can give in the way of a taste as you will have to read my full review on Goodreads. 

I loved this author's writing style as it just drew me right into the story from the first chapter and kept me hooked till the end of the book. I thought this book was part of a trilogy, but it is actually part of a series as the fourth book just released a couple of days ago, so I will be continuing onward with this series as it seems that Addison becomes a psychic medium and takes on cases with the rest of the books. 

This book did not end on cliff hanger and I liked the way it ended. There were a couple or so characters in this book that I wonder will appear in the rest of the series. I will continue on with the series as I am curious what Addison will be doing next. 

For my full review of the book, Grayson Manor Haunting, by author, Cheryl Bradshaw, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Cheryl Bradshaw, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Cheryl Bradshaw, profile page from Amazon:

Monday, November 9, 2020

Mary by Amy Cross


Four "Spooky" Stars

This was a creepy romp through the mind of author, Amy Cross, as once again her imagination into the haunted realm always seems to take me for a spin.

A small taste of what is inside:

A haunted cottage along with a missing person wraps this story up in mystery which sets the creepy tone for the book.

That is about all I can give on a "small taste" as you will have to read the rest of my review over on Goodreads.

I have read this author quite a few times as she has tons of books out there. Amy Cross loves to delve into the "haunted" world as that is mostly where her books will take you. 

For my full review of the book, Mary, by author, Amy Cross, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Amy Cross, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Amy Cross, profile page from Amazon:

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Gated Trilogy by Matt Drabble



Four "Suspenseful" Stars

This trilogy omnibus set was a different type of horror by author, Matt Drabble as there was quite a bit of suspense and mystery that was steeped into all three books. This is only the second time that I have read this author and I love how the stories just flowed along smoothly. There is still horror intertwined within all three books along which sets the pace for all the three stories. 

I started reading the first book "Gated" last weekend and have since wrapped up the last book before this weekend as once I started reading the books I could not put them down as I wanted to see how all three of them were going to play out. 

For my full review of the book, The Gated Trilogy, by author, Matt Drabble, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Matt Drabble, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Matt Drabble, profile page from Amazon:

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Dead of Winter by Brian Moreland



Five "Blood Drenching" Stars

When I read this book back in January of 2017 I was just blown away by the writing style and the storyline of this author as this book was my first introduction to his work! 

A small taste of what is inside:

A predator is loose and is stalking the citizens of a fort out in the wilderness of Ontario. When things become more than they can handle they seek outside help to solve the mystery and the killings. 

That is about all I can give as you can read my full review on Goodreads. This storyline was so amazing and chilling that after I read this book, I pursued more books by author, Brian Moreland and ended up reading five more of his books in 2017.

There is tons of tension, suspense, twists and turns throughout this story which made it one of my top horror reads in 2017.

For my full review of the book, Dead of Winter, by author, Brian Moreland, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brian Moreland, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brian Moreland, profile page from Amazon:

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Halloween Store and Other Tales of All Hallows' Eve by Ronald Kelly



Five "Jack O' Lantern" Stars

This book was a fun romp down Halloween lane with some twisted stories that just take you on a journey into the deepest recesses of author, Ronald Kelly's mind! Do you want to go there and explore? I can tell you that I was captured right away with the first story which is "The Halloween Store" and from that point on I jumped aboard the hay wagon as I continued on with the rest of the stories. 

All of them have some kind of twist to them, but what a fun ride as each story just pulled me along into the cool October days and creepy Halloween good times as the Southern style writing of the author comes alive within the pages of this book! 

For my full review of the book, The Halloween Store and Other Tales of All Hallows' Eve, by author, Ronald Kelly, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Ronald Kelly, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Ronald Kelly, profile page from Amazon:

Eight Cylinders by Jason Parent


Four "Action Packed" Stars

This was a different type of horror story, but it was a fun "creature feature" romp that grabbed me from the first chapter and hurled me all the way to the end of the book! 

A small taste of what is inside:

Seb McAlister gets shot from a shootout with thugs then flees in his Charger out into the desert. However, Seb goes from the "frying pan and into the fire" when he ends up in place where there is no escape. 

That is about all I can give in this blog as you will have to see my full review for more information of Seb and what happens to him. 

This was a very cool story and I was just drawn into the book right away as there is action jumping off the pages which the action is so smooth that it felt I was watching an action movie play out on the theatre screen. 

For my full review of the book, Eight Cylinders, by author, Jason Parent, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Jason Parent, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Jason Parent, profile page from Amazon:

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Summer Job by Adam Cesare



Four "Spooky" Stars

This was a spooky read that I delved into back in May of 2018 as this book kept popping up on my Goodreads feed as it seemed quite a few of my friends were reading this book. 

A little taste of what is inside:

Friends, Claire and Allison would like to have a summer job so they check out working at a hotel for the summer, but things start going wrong when they have to endure parties that are happening out in the woods by the hotel and what they find out is beyond their wildest nightmares. 

That is about all I can give in the way of a small taste without giving away spoilers. This was a very cool horror story and lots of spooky spine shivers to go along with it. This book actually would be good to read around Halloween and this was also my first taste of this author as well. 

For my full review of the book, The Summer Job, by author, Adam Cesare, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Adam Cesare, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Adam Cesare, profile page from Amazon: