Thursday, November 19, 2020

If It Bleeds by Stephen King


Five "Spectacular" Stars

The Master of Horror has done it again with this short story collection as he weaved some very interesting stories within these pages. 

Four short stories which are:

Mr. Harrigan's Phone
Life of Chuck
If It Bleeds

Tidbits are going to be rough on this blog as I gave tidbits on my review as well, but I will say this: All four stories were great which includes a friendship that lasts beyond the grave, an end of the world story that revolves around one man, a tragic disaster involving a middle school (this story has characters that are from King's books "The Outsider" and the "Bill Hodges Trilogy") and the last story deals with a struggling author. 

That is about all the tidbits I can give, but all the stories have some kind of "moral to the story" theme to them. My absolute favorite of all four is the first story of "Mr. Harrigan's Phone" which was a very poignant and emotional story. I just loved this story as it is a story of boundless friendship but it does have some creepy aspects to it. I cannot say more than that as you will just have to read the book. 

Four stories = a great collection! 

For my full review of the book, If It Bleeds, by author, Stephen King, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Stephen King, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Stephen King, profile page from Amazon:

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