Monday, February 22, 2021

The Lazarus Child (Blood Riders #3) by Jay Raven


Five "Suspenseful" Stars

The third installment to the Blood Rider series just grabbed me from the first chapter and kept me instilled in the story till the last page!

A small taste of what lies within:

Anton and company are back as they go on a quest to track down Anton's daughter, Gretchen and the only way for them to find out what happened to her is to interrogate vampire Terek Modjeski. One way or another they will do whatever it takes to find her and nothing will stop them from seeking out the information they need. 

That is about all I can give on a taste as you will need to read the rest of my review over on Goodreads.


All of the books in this series are interlaced with suspense, tension, intrigue, action and nail-biting intensity! This book, The Lazarus Child was no different as the story took a hold of me from the first page and kept me in hyperventilating mode throughout the book as there was so much happening that I was flipping through my kindle at the speed of light. 

The author, Jay Raven, just knows how to pull the reader into his world and keep them there for the duration of the story. 

For my full review of the book, The Lazarus Child (Blood Riders #3), by author, Jay Raven, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Jay Raven, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Jay Raven, profile page from Amazon: