Sunday, February 7, 2021

Lucy (The Fading Light Book 1) by Alan Aspinall



Five "Terror Twisted" Stars

Wow! This short story took me on a "terror" ride in the middle of the night!

A small taste of what lies within:

A serial killer (Derek) kidnaps a woman (Lucy) and takes her back to his place, but finds out quickly that she is not what he thinks she is and things become bad real fast for Derek. 

That is about all I can give on a taste as you will need to read my review on Goodreads.


New author to me and the writing style just took a hold of me as the book was just so easy to fall into as I made my way through the story. This book was the author's debut book and I was entranced from the first page onward. The book literally went into high gear about halfway through the story which set the pace for the book with some twists and turns as I barreled my way to the end of the story!  I have already started dipping my toes into the next book as I want to see what is in store for me next!

For my full review of the book, Lucy (The Fading Light Book 1) by author, Alan Aspinall, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Alan Aspinall, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Alan Aspinall, profile page from Amazon:

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