Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Siren and The Specter by Jonathan Janz


Five "Spooky Spine Shivers" Stars

Creepy Haunting!

A small taste of what lies within:

David Caine, a renowned debunker of paranormal activity, is invited to come to the Alexander House on the request of his friend, Chris. The Alexander House has laid claims to being the most haunted house in Virginia. David decides that he will stay in the house for a month to see if he can capture any kind footage of a haunting.

David delves deep into the history of the house and finds that the Alexander house is named after Judson Alexander who did unspeakable things in the house. David has some past personal issues that he has to overcome as he tries to debunk what is happening around him, but as time goes on, he finds out that some houses are just down right bad!

There is an island that sits out in a lake across from the house which is also haunted. David catches a glimpse of a ghostly figure that seems to float on the lake. David decides to investigate the island to check out what is really going on out there and what he finds turns his world completely upside down!

That is about all I can hand out on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was an awesome atmospheric haunting tale that just grabbed me the first time I read it back in 2018. I loved the spookiness and the dreaded suspense of this story that just slowly pulled me into the haunted realm of this author's mind. 

There are other characters involved in the book besides David and his friend, Chris, as the neighbors that surround that area take part in the story too. All the characters in the book are very believable and the story just meshes together bringing all the characters to the Alexander House.

The story started out a little slow but only because of world building and character set up but once I became involved in the story it picked up the pace and the last half of the book I was staying up late nights wanting to see how it all ended!  

This was my second book by author, Jonathan Janz which I read a few years back. This book sealed me into his world as I had read his book, Children of the Dark first then read this book and I knew then that I was going to be on a "Janz Journey" for many years to come! 

Attached is the author, Jonathan Janz, profile page from Goodreads:

Jonathan Janz

Attached is the author, Jonathan Janz, profile page from Amazon:

Jonathan Janz

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Update: Polished up this blog that I did back in June of 2020 to add digital artwork and spruce up the blog itself. Republished this blog on May 10, 2024. 

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