Thursday, June 4, 2020

Vampire on the Orient Express by Shane Carrow


Five "Vintage Vampires" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

The year is 1914. The Orient Express has just departed Paris, France with businessmen and important people on board. The two main characters, Sam Carter a/k/a adventurer and Lucas Avery a/k/a British diplomat are literally right in the thick of it on board the train. It seems that there are other interesting characters aboard the train as well including what seems to be royalty with a Count and Countess along with their man servant on board.

The book starts off with a little world building and character descriptions, but when the screams start on the train is when the books kicks into high gear! Sam Carter along with Lucas Avery investigate and what they find is beyond their imagination. No one would ever dream that vampires are riding the train, but that is what Sam and Lucas find when they delve deep into the train cars and they try to figure out what they are going to do to quell the fears of the passengers on board the train! 

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book! 


The book reminds me of the old "cloak and dagger" stories, but this one has more of a twist as instead of cloak and daggers the characters have "stakes and holy water".

The book moves along at a fast pace and I was entranced by the feeling of the characters as it really makes you feel that you have been transported back in time. The story literally flows along and keeps the mystery of the vampires secret or I should say "cloaked in the shadows" until the big reveal.

The author, Shane Carrow, just grabs the reader from the first page and literally throws them on a time machine back to 1914. The atmosphere of the Orient Express surrounds the reader and makes them feel like they are really there.

I really loved this book and the setting of the story just whisks you back in time to the days of the Orient Express! This was my first time reading this author and it was quite a surprise that the book just captures the feel of days gone by.

The author, Shane Carrow, just pulled me right into the story and I felt like I was experiencing the same things as the characters in the book! I cannot say enough great things about this book! 

Highly Recommend! 

Attached is the profile page of author, Shane Carrow from Goodreads:

Shane Carrow

Attached is the profile page of author, Shane Carrow from Amazon:

Shane Carrow

My Goodreads Review:

Update: I added background artwork to the book cover and spruced up the blog review as of January 8, 2025.

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