Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Method

Five "Twisted" Stars

Wow! Duncan Ralston knows how to grab the reader and skillfully picks them up slamming them into the story! After reading a few of his books already I knew when I picked up The Method I was going to be in for a real treat as the blurb of the book was intriguing enough for me to jump over to Amazon and grab the book! I can tell you this right now - I was not disappointed one bit! 

I read the book within four to five days, but the last half of the book which was around the 60% mark was read within 24 to 36 hours as it went from pulse pounding heartbeat to hyperventilating heartbeat as my fingers raced across my kindle pages! 

I know for a fact that I didn't sleep much with the last half of the book as there is no sleep when reading a "Duncan" book so you better get plenty of rest before reading any of his books! I kid you not! Oh....still not convinced? Well then go grab this book and you will find out for yourself! 

For my full review of the book, The Method, by author, Duncan Ralston, please see my review from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Amazon:

Note: So there is no confusion - the book cover on here is the new cover - the one on Goodreads is the old cover - both covers do give off the "creepy" vibe though! :)

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Blood and Rain by Glenn Rolfe


Five "Rip Roaring Fur Action" Stars

Howling Fun!

A very small taste of what lies within:

Place: Gilson Creek, Maine

Someone that resides in the town has a horrific secret that they are hiding and when it is unleashed all hell breaks loose! 

That is about all I can hand out on small taste without giving away spoilers, so if you want to know more than go read this book!


This book takes off from the first chapter as there is some action right away with lots of blood and gore. From the first chapter forward through the rest of the book it is basically non-stop action and bodies being tossed, ripped, and gored!

This was a classic werewolf story and for my second time around with this story the author, Glenn Rolfe keeps the story moving at a very fast pace hardly giving the reader time to breath or take a breath as the "fur action" is constant through much of the book. This book would also make a great movie and it would be cool to see it brought to life on the big screen!

So if you are in the mood for some werewolf action and you are looking for something that will make your pulse pound with your heart racing at a high speed, then look no further than this book as you will find everything you seek within these pages!

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my Goodreads Review:

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thresher by Michael Cole


 Five "Feeding Frenzy" Stars

Action Packed!

A small taste of what lies within:

Hurricane Deckard sweeps through the small coastal town of Merit bringing with it all kinds of sea life including an enormous shark. Not just any shark, but a Thresher shark. Normally a Thresher shark is not big, but this one is four times bigger than a great white shark. The Thresher decides that it wants to stay in the area so it starts setting its territorial mark off the coast of Merit and it starts defending the area by killing off anything that comes into its territory including any and all sea life, plus human lives as well.


When I first read this book back in 2018 I wasn't sure what to expect as for one it was a new author to me and second it was a story about sharks. Of course the only thing that came to mind was Jaws and I was thinking this book might be something like that book. Well it was sort of but ten times worse as there seemed to be more "creature horror" action and more bodies than you can shake a stick at within these pages! 

The first chapter grabbed me and just sent me spinning into the ocean as I felt that I had been swept away by an undertow heading straight toward the shark itself! The author, Michael Cole, just has a way of hooking you right from the start and leaving you dangling on the fishing line while the snapping jaws of the shark is right below you! 

This book was one of the best shark books I have read in a very long time and I loved it so much that I just could not lay this book down! I think I read it in like three or four days - maybe less as I could not get enough of the storyline. I became attached to the characters too which all were very believable and I could feel everything that they were enduring in the story! 

Since that time of reading this book I have read other books by this author as most of his books are about sea creatures along with lots of action! 

Attached is the author, Michael Cole, profile page from Goodreads:

Michael Cole

Attached is the author, Michael Cole, profile page from Amazon:

Michael Cole

For more thoughts on this review please see my review on Goodreads:

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Siren and The Specter by Jonathan Janz


Five "Spooky Spine Shivers" Stars

Creepy Haunting!

A small taste of what lies within:

David Caine, a renowned debunker of paranormal activity, is invited to come to the Alexander House on the request of his friend, Chris. The Alexander House has laid claims to being the most haunted house in Virginia. David decides that he will stay in the house for a month to see if he can capture any kind footage of a haunting.

David delves deep into the history of the house and finds that the Alexander house is named after Judson Alexander who did unspeakable things in the house. David has some past personal issues that he has to overcome as he tries to debunk what is happening around him, but as time goes on, he finds out that some houses are just down right bad!

There is an island that sits out in a lake across from the house which is also haunted. David catches a glimpse of a ghostly figure that seems to float on the lake. David decides to investigate the island to check out what is really going on out there and what he finds turns his world completely upside down!

That is about all I can hand out on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was an awesome atmospheric haunting tale that just grabbed me the first time I read it back in 2018. I loved the spookiness and the dreaded suspense of this story that just slowly pulled me into the haunted realm of this author's mind. 

There are other characters involved in the book besides David and his friend, Chris, as the neighbors that surround that area take part in the story too. All the characters in the book are very believable and the story just meshes together bringing all the characters to the Alexander House.

The story started out a little slow but only because of world building and character set up but once I became involved in the story it picked up the pace and the last half of the book I was staying up late nights wanting to see how it all ended!  

This was my second book by author, Jonathan Janz which I read a few years back. This book sealed me into his world as I had read his book, Children of the Dark first then read this book and I knew then that I was going to be on a "Janz Journey" for many years to come! 

Attached is the author, Jonathan Janz, profile page from Goodreads:

Jonathan Janz

Attached is the author, Jonathan Janz, profile page from Amazon:

Jonathan Janz

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Update: Polished up this blog that I did back in June of 2020 to add digital artwork and spruce up the blog itself. Republished this blog on May 10, 2024. 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Book Recommendations

Thoughts this week are about "Book Recommendations". 

Why do people recommend books to you that do not fit your genres?  This I truly do not get at all! I have tons of books on my Goodreads bookshelves that are actually labeled by genre and author, yet I still will get book recommendations from friends of books that I do not even read and wouldn't even attempt to read. This is truly baffling to me and it is a mystery because I really cannot figure it out. I have been on Goodreads nine years and I still haven't figured it out yet! LOL :)  Maybe one of you that reads this blog will be able to enlighten me. :) 

Here are some of the examples of books that have been recommended to me and my thoughts on them:

Cook books - Though I like to cook/bake, I do not read cook books - I have no bookshelves whatsoever on Goodreads that are labeled "cook books". Now I was recommended not only one cook book (by the same friend), but four cook books within a week. Really?! The person just kept sending me cook book recs - I ended up having to send a message to them though to tell them to stop recommending me cook books and to go be-bop over to my GR shelves to see what I "really" read! Needless to say the cook book friend stopped sending me recs of cook books. 

Butterflies - This was actually just recently too and though I think butterflies are cool and all, I will not read about them. I have no nature books on my bookshelves. I do love nature, but I do not really read books about them. If I want to know anything I normally just get on the internet to look it up. 

Romance and Erotica Romance - I have no romance on any bookshelves. The friends that have recommended them to me are habitual and what I mean by that is the same friends will rec these kind of books to me all the time. I end up just hitting the "ignore" button now instead of reaching out with a message, but still I get these recs once in awhile.

History and Historical Settings - As much as I do like history, etc., I do not have anything of that genre on my bookshelves. I normally will just look it up on the internet with whatever I am interested in, but as far as reading actual books about it - no. 

So there are some examples and what is really interesting about all that is when you are on Goodreads, everything you do on there is public and all your friends see what you read, review, discuss, etc. which brings me back to the same question: Why do your friends want to rec you books that are not within your genre? Surely they see what you are reading and reviewing.

I know what some of you are going to say as I already see the "wheels turning" (lol) - that maybe the "friends" think you might want to try something "new". Well believe me when I say, I do not want to try anything "new". LOL :)  I love the genres I read and I am happy with them. 

I read a broad scope of genres too and in case anyone wants to know what those genres are then here is a list:

Horror: Everything

Science Fiction - anything with action

Fantasy: Sword and Sorcery mainly

Urban Fantasy: Anything that is loaded with action!

Crime Fiction: Serial killers/police/detective

True Crime: Everything

True Paranormal: Everything

So that is my thoughts on recommendations and if any of you are on Goodreads then now you know what kind of recs to send my way! :) 

Have a great week and Happy Reading! :)

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Daylight's Deadly Kiss

Five "Adventurous" Stars

The second book in the Blood Riders series just carried me away into the Gothic realm of the author, Jay Raven's mind. The first book in the series made my top reads of 2019 and this second book looks like it will be one of my top reads of 2020! I just love this series! 

The author is able to capture the Gothic theme and feel of the story and he is able to just transport you back to the days of old! The story revolves around vampires and vampire hunters within the Gothic setting which gives the story that "ancient" feeling as you settle down to read this series. I became so involved in the storyline that everything else around me just faded away and I was left with being trapped within the story! 

The series is still a work in progress and it seems there are quite a few more books to be written! I will definitely be grabbing each one as it is released to continue on with this series. :)

For my full review of the book, Daylight's Deadly Kiss by author, Jay Raven, please see my review from Goodreads.


Attached is the author, Jay Raven's profile page from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Jay Raven's profile page from Amazon:


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Montauk Monster by Hunter Shea


Five "Blood & Gore" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Setting: Montauk, New York

Police officer, Gray Dalton gets a call that bodies have been found on one of the beaches in the county. When Officer Dalton gets there and sees the remains of the bodies, he wonders what has invaded his domain. 

Officer Dalton along with his officers find out that there is a government research facility not too far from Montauk called Plum Island and he is not a happy camper when he finds out what they have created there!

As the bodies start piling up, Dalton along with his police force races against time to see if they can stop the creations from causing any more destruction and death!

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


WOW!! I am never disappointed with a book by author, Hunter Shea and this story just grabbed me right away! When I first saw the cover I knew this story was going to be really good! I read this book in August of 2019 and what a horror ride it was as I journeyed into the ocean depths of this story! 

I was hooked from the first chapter as bodies and gore started flying and everyone is expendable in this book as no one is a favorite here!

If you are even a bit squeamish when it comes to gore and body parts, then you might not want to read this book as there is lots of graphic detail of the gore which abounds in this book! But for you readers that like extreme blood and gore mixed with lots of graphic descriptions then by all means pick up this book as you will not be disappointed! It is a wonder my kindle wasn't bleeding as the whole book is a blood soaked gory mess!

Author, Hunter Shea, really took this book for a gory romp as I think it is one of the bloodiest books I have read by him! 

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea profile page from Amazon:

My Goodreads Review:

Note: Updated this blog with background artwork and spruced up the blog review on January 11, 2025. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Fiction Books Are "Fiction".

My thoughts this week are: Fiction books

I don't even know where to begin on this blog as I have been thinking about it for awhile. I kind of have a pet peeve (well who doesn't - lol) and it concerns readers that truly do not understand the meaning of the word "fiction".  Being over on Goodreads has taught me some things about how readers react to authors books and what is actually inside the stories themselves. 

If an author has written a fiction story it never ceases to amaze me that readers seem to question the author about things in the story that should be real or they wonder if the author did their research on the reality of what has been written in the story. 

Listen folks, when did fiction become non-fiction? Has the world changed that much where fiction stories and the content of the stories themselves have become reality? 

The imagination of authors are amazing and if they want to write about things that exist, but they want to add a twist to it then they should be able to do that without some reader wanting to know if that "thing" really does exist or where can they find out if it exists or not. Seriously?! Really?!  

For example if an author writes about a laser gun that talks then I would not expect a reader to be questioning if such a thing exists, but I have literally seen readers asking questions of authors about things that are in the stories and wanting to know if the authors did their homework before inserting those type of things. 

In my opinion, fiction should stay fiction. Leave the authors alone is my motto and if they want to create something let them create it! If they want to add an interesting twist to something that is real then let them add it! That is what makes authors stand apart from everyone else! They have creativity and imagination! Just leave them alone and let them create whatever they want to create! 

Books have been around forever and the authors from days of old didn't have people questioning what was real in their stories as back in the "good ole days" no one cared if things were real or not. People just accepted that the books were fiction and the stories inside were totally out of the authors imagination. 

Where in the world would we all be without authors and the stories they tell?! When I sit down to read a book, I just want to be transported to the author's imagination and not worry about if the things in the books are real or not. Who cares! Just enjoy the stories and let your own imagination be carted away into the realm of the author's mind! 

Did that sound like a rant?  Well maybe so as that has been "brewing" in the back of mind for a long, long time. I just hope I get my point across to the readers of this world as the next time you question if something is real in a book make sure you are reading a "fiction" novel and not a "non-fiction" novel. It does help to know the difference between the two. 

Oh and if you need just a little more insight into the word "fiction" then let your fingers do the walking over to the dictionary and let it enlighten you. :)

So those are my thoughts this week! Oh and sorry for the rant! :)

Happy reading!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Midnight in the Graveyard

Five "Chilling" Stars

When this book first came out and saw what authors were going to be within these pages, I knew I was in for a real treat! As soon as it was released, I grabbed it quick and settled down to read it! 

All the stories were right up my alley and I truly loved each story as there were lots of "thrills and chills" within this book! I didn't rush through the book either as I wanted to "savor" every story and let it seep into my mind!

I highly recommend this anthology to any and all horror fans! 

For my full review of the Midnight in the Graveyard see my review from Goodreads:

Since there are so many authors within this book I am going to link each of their profiles from Goodreads.

Kenneth W. Cain

Jonathan Janz

Robert R. McCammon

Thomas F. Monteleone

Elizabeth Massie

Kealan Patrick Burke

Hunter Shea

Catherine Cavendish

John Everson

William Meikle

Chad Lutzke

Kenneth McKinley

Jeremy Hepler

Todd Keisling

Jason Parent

Shannon Felton

Glenn Rolfe

Ronald Kelly

Alan M. Clark

Brian Moreland

Kathryn Meyer Griffith

Tim Meyer

Kelli Owen

Allan Leverone

Lee Mountford

Somer Canon

I am also linking the Amazon profile page of the author and editor, Kenneth W. Cain for easy access to finding the book on Amazon.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Hell: The Possession and Exorcism of Cassie Stevens by Tom Lewis


Five "Nightmare Fuel" Stars

Spooky and Scary!

A small taste of what lies within:

Cassie Stevens just wants to be a normal teenager, but when she hooks up with the Goth crowd (Seth, Sylvia, and Trish) her life takes a dramatic turn and she goes down a dangerous path of destruction.

When Cassie along with her new friends end up in a car crash, things become bad for Cassie as she doesn't realize it, but she had died for a few minutes and when she came back she was not "alone" as she brought something back with her that sends her life reeling out of control.

The personality changes that start occurring with Cassie make her mother seek out psychiatric help, but there is no cure for what is happening to Cassie. When the Catholic church gets involved things take a turn for the worse for all involved which causes a chain of deathly events.


The author, Tom Lewis, has a unique writing style that draws the reader into the story and keeps them entranced through the whole book to the end. The pace of the book builds momentum from the first chapter to the last which makes this book an easy read.

This book is very spooky and it will delve down into your psyche, so it is best to leave the lights on with this book as the darkness might close in around you while you are reading this book! I don't like to admit it much but sometimes books like this will affect my dreams and I had some spooky ones while reading this book! The demonic theme pulsates throughout the whole book and the characters just come alive within the story to the point where  felt like I was there with them. 

Attached is the author, Tom Lewis profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Tom Lewis profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Mask of Silence by Alex C. Gates


Five "Sinister & Spooky" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Five friends (Evan, Savannah, QP, Robert, and Tyler) all of them have some kind of problems in their life that they are dealing with, so they decide to get together and see if they can summon a demon for Halloween. Since all of them will probably be going their separate ways after high school, they want to do something epic for their last Halloween together. QP decides that he wants to do the summoning in a cemetery on Halloween night which the other friends are a little iffy on that, but they eventually all go along with the idea.

When they try to summon the demon, something does appear in the circle, but they find out it was just a prank as one of their other friends just wanted to mess with them as he appears to them wearing a mask. When one of the friends ends up dead is when everything takes a more serious turn and the friends find out the hard way that even trying to summon a demon is never a good thing. As time goes on, each friend is stalked by some kind of apparition wearing the mask.

What kind of demon did the friends summon? What or who is wearing the mask? Does anyone survive the demon's wrath? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This was a spooky romp all the way to the end of the book as the more I became involved with the story line, the more creeped out I became as I wanted to keep reading to find out what would happen next to the friends! The demon/occult theme just pounds its way through the story as quite a bit happens which keeps this book flying at a fast pace throughout the whole book which kept me on the edge of my seat! 

The cover of this book is creepy as hell and I was not disappointed with this story as it weaved itself around me drawing me into the story where I could hardly put the book down! 

Lots of twisted terror are within these pages and I just couldn't get enough as I crept further into the darkness of the story.  When I first read this book it was my first time reading this author and I found out there is a second book in the series that I will be checking out as well in the future. 

Attached is the author, Alex C. Gates profile page from Goodreads:

Alex C. Gates

Attached is the author, Alex Gates profile page from Amazon:

My Goodreads Review:

Update: Revised this blog with background artwork and spruced up the blog review as of January 8, 2025.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Man Cave by Angel Gelique


Five "Blood-Soaked" Stars

Gore & Gristle!

A taste of what lies within:

Best friends, Sophie and Amber leave college and decide to take a mini road trip to find love, but they end up taking a detour into a small town bar where they end up meeting Ben.

At first they think Ben is harmless as he starts flirting around with the two friends, but when they both ignore his advances, he gets pissed off and decides to carry out unspeakable acts of violence against the two girls.

He kidnaps them and hauls them back to his property where he has made his own "man cave" which he ends up turning into a torture chamber. Ben is also not a "single" psycho as he is a "married" psycho which he lets loose on his wife with plenty of torture throughout the book.

Amber and Sophie endure every kind of torture imaginable from Ben and not just physical torture, but psychological torture too.


Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone? I mean really "stepped out" into an area that once you were out there you knew there was no going back? I had already moved into that area with some other books I had read by author, Angel Gelique, but this one was like stepping off the edge of the world and spiraling down into........a torture chamber of horrors! 

Blood splattered walls and "tools" galore decorating the inside of the chamber froze me into my chair! There truly was no escape and there was no going back! Had to push onward into the story to see what was going to happen next! 

This book will take you to places that you didn't know existed and will leave you there strapped to your cozy chair, but there is nothing "cozy" within these pages as you move within the mind of the author! 

Page after page of horror, blood, gore, and every word of horror that comes into your mind is within these pages! Oh....you think I am kidding?! Well...go check out this book and see where this chamber of horrors takes you! I guarantee that it will be an experience you will never forget! 

Someone gave author, Angel Gelique a title that fits her to a tee which is: "Queen of Gore"! After reading this book I think you will agree with that title!

Attached is the profile page of author, Angel Gelique from Goodreads:


Attached is the profile page of author, Angel Gelique from Amazon:


Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Chasing Ghosts by Glenn Rolfe


Five "Wicked & Twisted" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Some friends get together to go exploring the woods and to check out a place called the Cobb house. But what they find is not an adventure, but something far much worse. An in-bred crazy family which some thought had disappeared from that area are very much alive and roaming the woods once again.

In the meantime, a party is kicking off not far from the woods with the arrival of a rock band. The band ends up getting lost in the woods too and they end up meeting the crazies. The crazies are probably thinking "the more, the merrier" which ends up turning into a blood fest for all involved.

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste so if want to know more then go read this book! 


Wow! This book "rocked" so much that I had hard time putting it down! This was my first introduction to the "twisted mind" of Glenn Rolfe! :)  I literally became attached to my chair when I first read this book back in 2017 as for about three days I could barely move out of my seat!

There is lots of blood and gore "splattered" throughout this book to the point that it was a wonder my kindle didn't have blood dripping out of it! This was an exciting read as I made my way through the story! I would stay up late into the night as I just could not put the book down! 

From the beginning of the book all the way to the end, I was feeling the terror of the characters as they had to endure the "crazy maniac family" in this book! It was like watching one of those horror movies and you are yelling at the characters on the tv screen to run!!

So if you like to read about all things "bloody" and you are in the mood for some twisted terror then go grab this book as you will not be disappointed! 

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe's profile page from Goodreads:

Glenn Rolfe

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe's profile page from Amazon:

Glenn Rolfe

My Goodreads Review:

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Thoughts - General Reviews - Part II

Thoughts this week are reviews that make me think I am seeing double! :) Well if you want to know what that means then I will tell you. :)

It seems lately I have been coming across reviews where readers think they need to copy the blurb of the book and stick it into their review then giving a sentence or two on why they liked the book. In my opinion that kind of review does nothing for me at all because why do I want to see the blurb of the book twice? It is annoying and there is no need for it. 

The blurb of the book and the actual review are separate from each other. There is no sense in seeing the storyline of the book twice on there. When I see what the story is about then read the book and go write my review, I try to give a back story in my own words of what the story is about along with telling of how the story made me feel as I was reading it. 

That is what is most important to me on writing reviews. The story needs to be told from my perspective and what the story did for me as I was reading it. I think sometimes though that readers do not really know what to say so they that is why they copy the blurb of the book into their review so they will not have to worry about writing a review of how the book made them feel. 

I love being able to sit down after feeling the after affects of a book and just writing my thoughts of what the book did for me along with how it made me feel to read it.

So those are my thoughts this week on reader etiquette. Happy reading everyone! :)

The House by the Cemetery by John Everson


Five "Hellish Halloween" Stars

Scary Legend!

A taste of what lies within:

Legend has it that the house and cemetery located in Bachelor's Grove was the site of where a witch had died and now the property is now haunted by her. Satan worshippers had performed rituals in the house through the years which make the property and house very active.

Mike Kostner and his friends decide that what place could be better to use for a Halloween house than the witch house. Mike wants the house to be the best Halloween house ever to scare the residents of the town. Mike and his friends start fixing up the house by buying all kinds of Halloween props along with setting up trap doors for moving around the place.

As the friends work on the house, they endure all kinds of strange things including knocking, footsteps, tools disappearing, and cold drafts. They don't really think much of it as they continue to work toward their goal of getting the house completed before Halloween.

When everything is completed and the scary night has arrived, Mike and his friends find out the true meaning of "haunted" as the ghost of the witch brings the "hellish" might down on everyone that enters her domain and the gore starts to fly as she makes her presence known!


Wow! I just loved this book! This was a very creepy book and I knew by the cover of the book that I was definitely going to be "creeped" out! I was not disappointed I can tell you that right now as I was not only creeped out but I really didn't want the book to end after I laid it down!

I read the book back in 2018 and it is still with me as I have never forgotten about the book. I had read other books by author, John Everson before, but this book is what defined my taste to go after more books by him as I was just wanted some more "creepy" added to my diet! 

This book was not only loaded with suspense and atmospheric twists throughout the story, but I literally was moving at the speed of light through the story because I wanted to see what would happen next!  

So if you want to be scared out of your "wits" then go check out this book! :)

Attached is the author, John Everson's profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, John Everson's profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Friday, June 5, 2020

The Housemates by Iain Rob Wright


Five "Twisted" Stars!

Horrific Terror!

A taste of what lies within:

Damian Banks along with eleven strangers enter into what they think is a reality television game show for the prize of two million pounds in cash. They all gather at a destination and then are blindfolded as the game show producers transport them to an undisclosed location. For ten days the game show contestants have to endure torturous tasks from a man called the "Landlord".

The building where the game show is supposedly broadcast has cameras in every room and the strangers are locked in as there is no escape. As the Landlord barks orders over an intercom system the contestants are put through psychological and physical torture against each other as the only way to win the game is to do harm to the other contestants.

When the contestants find out the real reason of why they have to endure the torturous tasks, it becomes an all out battle as they fight for their lives! 


So do you know what the true meaning of "twisted" is - well do you?!  I don't think the actual definition of the word comes close to what that word means with this book! :) 

I was thinking to myself as I was reading it - that there was no way in hell that I could endure what happened to the characters in this book! This was my first introduction to this author when I read this book back in 2019 and I can tell you this right now - as much as there were some "cringing" moments in this book, my kindle was begging for more books by author, Iain Rob Wright! 

This book was fast paced and the author just has a way of bringing you into the story as every single thing that happened to these characters I was "feeling" their pain. The world building of the story was quick and the author just throws you right into the midst of terror!

So if you want something horrific and you want something that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then go get this book! Oh....and you might just want to buy yourself a gore suit from head to toe as you are going to need it!  

Attached is the author profile page of Iain Rob Wright from Goodreads:

Attached is the author profile page of Iain Rob Wright from Amazon:

My Goodreads review: