Five "Twisted" Stars
I read the book within four to five days, but the last half of the book which was around the 60% mark was read within 24 to 36 hours as it went from pulse pounding heartbeat to hyperventilating heartbeat as my fingers raced across my kindle pages!
I know for a fact that I didn't sleep much with the last half of the book as there is no sleep when reading a "Duncan" book so you better get plenty of rest before reading any of his books! I kid you not! Oh....still not convinced? Well then go grab this book and you will find out for yourself!
For my full review of the book, The Method, by author, Duncan Ralston, please see my review from Goodreads:
Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Goodreads:
Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Amazon:
Note: So there is no confusion - the book cover on here is the new cover - the one on Goodreads is the old cover - both covers do give off the "creepy" vibe though! :)