Thursday, August 17, 2023

Can Susan Come Out And Play? by J.D. Allen



Five "Spooky Shivers" Stars

Spine-Tingling Haunting!

A small taste of what lies within:

Dean Luxie along with his wife, Elizabeth and their six and a half year old daughter, Susan are heading out for a road trip to go see Dean's brother. It is not long though before tragedy strikes the family which sends Dean swirling down into a spiral of heart wrenching pain. The only thing that seems to keep Dean sane is a haunted doll as he tries to figure out what it wants with him! 

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you are intrigued then go read this short story! 


This is my first time reading this author and I have owned this book for awhile. The story drew me right in and before I knew it I had read the book in about an hour or so! I literally could not put it down! Things happen quickly within the story and the author just pulled me right into his world as the events took place in the book and the haunting goes into full scale creepy! 

The story takes a twisted ghostly turn though near the end of the book that kept me riveted to my seat! I loved this book so much even though there is quite a bit of emotional trauma in the early parts of the book but the haunting horror takes over as time goes on which has me still thinking about the story since I have finished and laid it down. This book was an emotional roller coaster of a ride from beginning to end and a book I won't soon forget. 

Looking forward to reading more books by this author as I own a few more of his books that are simmering on my kindle. 

Attached is the author, J.D. Allen, profile page from Goodreads:

J D Allen

Attached is the author, J.D.Allen, profile page from Amazon:

J D Allen

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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