Saturday, August 12, 2023

Bishop by Candace Nola



Five "Fur & Fang" Stars

Camping Horror Action!

A small taste of what lies within:

Erin along with her daughter, Casey are out in the backwoods of Alaska camping but things go wrong when they end up lost and missing. Troy is desperate to find his sister, Erin and his niece, Casey so he heads out to that area and hooks up with a ranger and rescuers. 

Though a name is dropped about a man named Bishop who is more or less a hermit but knows the wilds of Alaska well. Troy seeks him out and together they hunt for Troy's family themselves but unbeknown to Troy things are not what they seem within the backwoods as there is something evil stalking the land and only Bishop knows what it is along with hoping to find Troy's family alive and well! 

That is about all I can give out with a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you are intrigued then go read this book!


This book rocked! Wow! I had a hard time putting this book down as the minute I started reading it I kept wanting to read it! 

I have read some other camping horror stories and this book is another reason why I won't go camping! lol  Nope! Not even thinking about it! πŸ˜‚

I basically flew through this story as the author, Candace Nola slowly drew me into what was happening within the pages of the book. The suspense build up just gave me a dread feeling and then the tension was tight as I made my way through the storyline. 

Eventually there is quite a bit of action in the last half of the book which kept me reading late into the night and kept my insomnia fueled! This book is part of a series so I will be stepping into book two shortly. Loved the characters in this story and looking forward to continuing on with those characters in the sequel. 

Highly Recommend! 

Attached is the author, Candace Nola, profile page from Goodreads:

Candace Nola

Attached is the author, Candace Nola, profile page from Amazon:

Candace Nola

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review