Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Hell: The Necromancer by Tom Lewis



Five "Shivering Spooks" Stars

Spooky and Creepy Story!

A small taste of what lies within:

Two sisters that were separated at birth have unique powers that could eventually bring forth walking evil that is wrapped up with the end of days! Everyone around them including their families will be in grave danger as their unique abilities bring forth Satan worshippers that are on the hunt for the sisters. 

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read my full review on Goodreads.


The author, Tom Lewis, brings this story to a slow crescendo as he goes into great detail of both sisters and the families that brought them up. There is tons of suspense, mystery, tension, and just downright spooky demonic themes pulsating throughout the storyline. 

I just could not put this book down as the author just drew me slowly into the story and I even stayed up late into the night on a couple of nights as the story became more and more interesting that I didn't want to go to sleep till I learned what happened next. 

I loved all the characters within the story and I became so involved with reading about them that by the end of the book there was some emotion with things that happened to the characters. 

This was another great book by this author and looking forward to more books by him especially the creepy horror books that keep me up half the night fueling my insomnia! 

If you want a scary story to read around Halloween then go grab this book as you will not be disappointed and make sure you leave a light on to keep the "demons" from evolving out of the shadows of your room! 

For my full review of the book, Hell: The Necromancer, by author, Tom Lewis, please see my review from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Tom Lewis, profile page from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Tom Lewis, profile page from Amazon:


  1. Goodness, Satan worshippers! That's so 90s. One of my favorite X-Files episodes was Die Hand Die Verletzt.

    1. LOL!! I forgot about that with movies and books having quite a bit of Satan worshippers! Well they are still around I guess just not as prominent. :)
