Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Haunted House from Hell by Mark L'Estrange


 Five "Hellish Haunting" Stars

Wow! This was a spooky and chilling story!

A small taste of what is within:

The Jeffersons buy a home that is haunted as a woman killed her son in the house and rumor has it that the woman now haunts the home. The family do not realize what they are in for when the haunting starts happening as besides the woman that is haunting the home there is another entity that makes it presence known and it has more evil intentions.

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read my full review on Goodreads.


First time reading this author and I was very impressed at how quick I was drawn into the storyline. The atmosphere of the haunting just wrapped itself around me and slowly drew me into the book. 

There was a slow buildup with the story at first, but once things started escalating with the haunting I swept through the story quickly as I read the last half of the book within a few hours as the spookiness of the story just kept me pinned in my seat as I just could not put the book down! 

I have a few more books simmering on my kindle by this author and will be stepping into more of his work at some point in time.

For my full review of the book, The Haunted House from Hell, by author, Mark L'Estrange, please see my review from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Mark L'Estrange, profile page from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Mark L'Estrange, profile page from Amazon:


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