Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Apocalypse Solider (Occult Assassin #2) by William Massa



Five "Fireburst" Stars

Wow!!! The second book just grabbed me from the get-go as it took off like a lightning bolt and energized my reading of this story! 

A small taste of what is inside:

Mark Talon is back on another hair-raising adventure and this time he has to rescue a young woman from the clutches of a crazed demonic super soldier and his clan of cultists. Things heat up in this second book as Mark has to figure out how to kill this new villain as physical power doesn't seem to work as it is almost like trying to fight smoke. The cultists in this story are far more powerful than the cultists that were in book one, Damnation Code. Mark has his work cut out for him in this book and the heat is on as the fires of hell are nipping at his heels! 

I know - that was far more than a small taste, but I got on a description roll! lol 


This series is just loaded with action along with having the horror aspect of the occult seeped into the books with all the demon activity that goes on, but it is not like scary demon horror, just a little different with all the weapons and action involved. So far this series is rocking along and I will continue to make my way through the rest of the series. The next book is Ice Shadows which is seems to be a short story, so heading into that book next. Though all the books can be read as stand alone as all the stories seem to wrap up within one book as least so far from what I have seen with the first two books. So I will see how that goes as time moves on with the rest of the series. 

For my full review of the book, Apocalypse Soldier, by author, William Massa, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Amazon:

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