Sunday, December 27, 2020

In The Dark by Brandon Massey



Four "Ghostly" Stars

This book was a spook fest when I read it back in 2018 and it was also my second book by this author. 

A small taste of what is inside:

The Bowden family bought a house that they thought came with no strings attached, but when an old man shows up on their front door step demanding that the house belongs to him and he wants them out is when things get a little crazy for the family. The problem is they are not leaving but the old man is adamant enough that the Bowden family wishes they had never moved into the house. 

That is about all I can give on small taste as you can check out my full review on Goodreads. 


This book was downright creepy and very fast paced with the haunting of the house plus the mystery of the old man as the story just kept escalating with not knowing of what would happen next. After reading this second book by this author, I went to grab whatever else this author has out there as the writing style just grabbed me.

For my full review of the book, In The Dark, by author, Brandon Massey, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brandon Massey, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brandon Massey, profile page from Amazon:

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Ebenezer by Duncan Ralston



Five "Scrooge Action" Stars

Small taste of what lies within:

A hitman by the name of Ebenezer Scrooge killed a friend by the name of Jake Marley and now Jake comes back to haunt him as he appears to Ebenezer as a ghost.

Ebenezer tries to kill Jake again but since he is a ghost nothing happens, but in the process of trying to take Jake out, Ebenezer makes a costly mistake which he ends up knocking on death's door and this is where the adventure begins as Jake takes Ebenezer on a trip into the past showing him the different paths that Ebenezer took on his journey up to the time of killing Jake. 

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book!


There was no horror within these pages, so if you think you will be finding what you normally do when reading a Duncan Ralston book - this isn't it. The same pace and action with the same writing style of this author is still there, but you just are not going to find the extreme blood splatter that is normally associated with his work.

This was a very "creative world" and I just found myself entrapped within this story as I wanted to see where the author, Duncan Ralston was going to take me. I found myself really enjoying this story with this unique twist along with the fast paced mystery that unfolded before my eyes. 

What I found was a cool story adaption of the classic book "A Christmas Carol" but with a big twist as the author created a crime world of the Bleak House Syndicate with a hitman named Ebenezer Scrooge.

I like crime thrillers and I like reading different types of books that have different twists to the storylines so this was perfect for me as I just love dipping my toes into different types of stories!

I loved this story as it captured the essence of the background of the hitman, Ebenezer and what he went through on his journey into the past. 

Another cool read that took me from one extreme to another and brought me into the crime/fantasy world genre with a very cool holiday story that I will remember for a long time. 

Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Goodreads:

Duncan Ralston

Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Amazon:

My Goodreads Review:

(Note: Updating this review for background artwork and sprucing up the blog review.)

Top 25 Reads of 2020

 Wow! This year has rocked with five star reads as quite a few of my favorite authors either released new books or I read books by them that I am just now getting to, so I had to go through all my books and pick out my top 25 reads of the year. That was no easy task as I have read some great books this year.  Also the authors are listed by genre and they are listed in no particular order. 



The Midwives

Book Link:

My Review:


The Halloween Store and Other Tales of All Hallows Eve

Book Link:

My Review:


The Night It Got Out

Book Link:

My Review:


Voodoo Heart

Book Link:

My Review:


The Raven

Book Link:

My Review:

(Note: This book has horror elements laced through it but it is also considered the sub-genre horror/apocalypse - also I added it to shelves of dark urban fantasy as this book has it all.)


The Malan Witch

Book Link:

My Review:


Haunted: Perron Manor

Book Link:

My Review:

(Note: Actually this whole series rocks and all the books I read in the series which all of the books released this year were five star reads.)


The Horror Collection: White Edition 

Book Link:

My Review:

(Note: This is a Christmas horror collection of short stories/poems)



Book Link:

My Review:


The Haunted Forest Tour 

Book Link:

My Review:


Bone Snow

Book Link:

My Review:


Nang Tani

Book Link:

My Review:


Xtreme Xmas

Book Link:

My Review:



Book Link:

My Review:


Until Summer Comes Around

Book Link:

My Review:


Shutter House

Book Link:

My Review:



Book Link:

My Review:


Kill Creek

Book Link:

My Review:


Ghosthunter (The Haunted Hamlet #1)

Book Link:

My Review:



Book Link:

My Review:


Horror was awesome this year - it normally is awesome but this year was rocking right along from the get-go and I literally discovered new authors this year as well! All the books listed on here in the horror section basically kept me awake nights which fueled my insomnia! 

I have decided to list out the new authors discovered this year with reading their books for the first time!

New Authors Discovered:

Patrick James Ryan

Jeffrey Caston (debut author) 

Carver Pike

Lee Franklin

D. J. Doyle

Scott Thomas

Ray Garton

Rick Wood

So for the horror realm - all I can say is "What A "Horrorfic Ride"! 




Daylight's Deadly Kiss (Blood Riders #2)

Book Link:

My Review:


Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

Book Link:

My Review:


In the fantasy realm I really didn't read a whole lot in fantasy this year, so that is something I need to remedy next year, but fantasy was great this year with revisiting an old author and discovering a new author. 

New Authors Discovered:

J. K. Rowling

With fantasy this year all I can say it was a "Magical" ride!




A Subtle Agency Omnibus

Book Link:

My Review:

(Note: This was sort of reread as the omnibus contains the first three books in the series which I have already read - but the omnibus released earlier this year.)


Damnation Code (Occult Assassin #1)

Book Link:

My Review:


Urban fantasy was really fun this year as I stepped back into a series I have been entrenched in since 2016 and discovered a new author with lots of series to pursue. With the urban fantasy genre there were tons of action which kept my insomnia fueled with cinematic movie action! 

New Authors Discovered:

William Massa

So what I have to say for the urban fantasy genre is it has been a "Firepower 
with Slice and Dice" type of year!




Kill Order (Cerberus #0)

Book Link:

My Review:


Unfortunately I don't read enough science fiction which I probably need to remedy that next year, but I read this book which was recommended by a friend and I was not disappointed as I read this book in just a few days! It is a series of books so I need to buckle down and reenter that world. 

New Author:

Andy Peloquin

So for the science fiction world it was a "Galactic Space Adventure ride"



For all the books I have read this year it was a wonderful time to step into the minds of all the authors especially with the way things were this year I feel that the book world was the best thing that shined in the year 2020 at least for me. I surpassed my reading goals and discovered new authors to explore along with revisiting authors from the past. It was an awesome reading ride! 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Coffin Collector (Occult Assassin #3.5) by William Massa


Five "Chiller Action" Stars

This was a short novella but still packs a small punch as Mark Talon takes on a new villain that likes to collect coffins. 

A small taste of what lies within:

You might think what kind of action would happen with a coffin collector am I right? Well this villain has something up in his sleeve and it requires the talents of Mark Talon to put a stop to him as these coffins are not empty. Ahhhh - now I have your attention!  Now that I have your attention you will just need to make your way over to my Goodreads review to see what Mark Talon steps into this time!


This series rocks whether the books are short or not - I just cannot seem to break away from them! I have to continue to move from book to book as I keep wanting to see what the next adventure lies in wait for Mark Talon. The action is fast paced along with the suspense and intrigue of each villain as there is quite a bit of twists and turns as no matter what lies ahead of Mark Talon he seems to always have to fight the most interesting villains that seem to always give him a challenge. 

For my full review of the book, Coffin Collector, by author, William Massa, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Amazon:

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Christmas Tales: Three Stories of the Season by John Everson



Five "Jingle Bell" Stars

The three stories in this book were just right for the holiday season and the stories are not horror. The author, John Everson, wrote heart-warming stories for the Christmas season and the stories will just capture your heart. 

Though there are only three stories in this book they just set the tone for this time of year and brings to life the thoughts being with family and friends as you gather around the Christmas tree.

I will list out the stories, but won't be able to give you a taste as you will need to read my full review on Goodreads. 

The stories are as follows:

Christmas the Hard Way


Will You Spend This Christmas Night With Me?

The book also contains lyrics that the author wrote with links where you can listen to the songs. I found this book to be magical, light-hearted and full of the holiday spirit. 

For my full review of the book, Christmas Tales: Three Stories of the Season, by author, John Everson, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Amazon:

Friday, December 18, 2020

Spirit Breaker (Occult Assassin #3) by William Massa



Five "Sizzling Spirit" Stars

Wow! This series just keeps getting better and better! I am so captivated with not only the storytelling and writing style, but I am literally entrenched within this series as I just love how the character, Mark Talon goes from one extreme situation to another. 

A small taste of what is inside:

Mark Talon has come up against a man that can not only commune with the dead, but can bring their spirits forth into the world. The only thing is these spirits are not the friendly type and if they were evil in life than they are worse in death. Mark has got his work cut out for him in this adventure.

That is about all I can give in a taste as you can read my full review over on Goodreads.


This series has just grabbed me from the get-go and I am planning on continuing on with it to the end as I am really wrapped up with this character now and want to keep going forward to see what the next adventure awaits the character, Mark Talon!

For my full review of the book, Spirit Breaker, by author, William Massa,, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Amazon:

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Xtreme Xmas by D.J. Doyle and Lee Franklin



Five "Twisted Shredded" Snowmen

Wow! This was a very extreme romp into a swirling blood bath of horror and it will be a book that I will not soon forget as the authors, D.J. Doyle and Lee Franklin really ripped it up in this book! 

The coolest concept of this book is that the characters are mostly horror authors that we have all come to love and whatever happens in this book stays in this book as the authors, D.J. Doyle and Lee Franklin "carve a path of destruction" through these stories! 

There is tons of blood, gore, extreme situations, and lots of visual aspects that will literally be seared into your brain! Once you read all twelve stories you will be not only cringing you also might be peeking out behind your hands as you see your favorite authors get torn limb from limb! 

I thought this was a very cool idea as it has never been done before and it was an interesting romp through the horror realm! 

I was going to give you a small taste, but I have all the "taste testing" over on my review so you can read it over there!

But I will list out the twelve stories to kick your imagination into gear before stepping into the book.

The stories with the author that wrote them are as follows:

12 Gremlins by Lee Franklin

11 Rats by D.J. Doyle

10 Children by Lee Franklin

9 Santas by D.J. Doyle

8 Teachers by Lee Franklin

7 Snowmen by D.J. Doyle

6 Hatchets by Lee Franklin

5 Golden Teeth by D.J. Doyle

4 Hounds by Lee Franklin

3 Types of Acid by D.J. Doyle

2 Hunting Knives by Lee Franklin

1 Xmas Tree by D.J. Doyle

Move over some of you extreme horror authors as there are some new ladies in town that have "tools of torture" and they know how to use them! 

For my full review of the book, Xtreme Xmas, by author, D. J. Doyle and Lee Franklin, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, D. J. Doyle, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, D. J. Doyle, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is the author, Lee Franklin, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Lee Franklin, profile page from Amazon:

Season's Creepings: Tales of Holiday Horror by Ronald Kelly



Five "Jingle Twisted" Trees

Wow! This creepy collection of holiday horror was a perfect mood setting around this time of year! 

I really cannot give you a small taste as each story has that taste over on my review, but I will give you the table of contents of what stories are within as you snuggle down in your chair and sip on something hot to knock the chill out around you!  

The stories are as follows:

Jingle Bones 
The Skating Pond
Depravity Road
The Winds Within
Then Came A Woodsman
As for Me, My Little Brain
Beneath the Branches
Papa's Exile
The Peddler's Journey

Each story was just perfect for some "creep and twist" as I made my way through the book! I don't really have favorites as I loved them all. The stories just flow along as author, Ronald Kelly just has a simple and straight forward writing style that just grabs a hold of you to the point of not letting you go till that last page of the book!

The visual aspects of each story just comes alive upon the pages making you feel as if you are experiencing the same situations as the characters themselves! When you read about the emotions with the characters you will feel those same emotions pulsing through your veins! 

For my full review of the book, Season's Creepings: Tales of Holiday Horror, by author, Ronald Kelly, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Ronald Kelly, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Ronald Kelly, profile page from Amazon:

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Merry Murder by Angel Gelique


Five "Twisted Merry" Stars

Wow! When I first stepped into this book back in 2017 I was just drawn right away to the writing style of author, Angel Gelique as I just love holiday horror and this book grabbed me right away! This was my first introduction to her work. 

A small taste of what is inside:

Heather McKenna wants the new phone that is out and she wants her parents to get it for her for Christmas. When things do not go as planned and she does not get it, Heather ends up going to "extreme" lengths to show her disapproval! 

That is about all I can give in a small taste as I reveal a little bit more in my review on Goodreads.


This book is not for the faint of heart as if anyone knows the works of the author, Angel Gelique then they also know that the characters in her books will be leaving a blood trail out the door of the house and down around the corner. Sometimes there is other "stuff" besides blood in that trail mix! 

For my full review of the book, Merry Murder, by author, Angel Gelique, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Angel Gelique, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Angel Gelique, profile page from Amazon:

Monday, December 14, 2020

Within the Shadows by Brandon Massey



Four "Haunting" Stars

When I read this book back in May of 2018, I was very impressed by how the author just pulled me into the story. This was my first book by author, Brandon Massey and it started me on a trek of grabbing his other works. 

A small taste of what is inside:

The main character, Andrew Wilson, is experiencing a haunting in his house - he also meets a strange woman that goes to extreme lengths to want to be with him, but it all boils down to not everything is as it seems which turns this haunting into a mystery of interesting proportions. 

The author, Brandon Massey just has a knack of grabbing the reader and pulling them into his haunting world. The story just flowed along and as the haunting kept happening the mystery kept entwining around me as I wanted to keep reading to see where this author was going to take me.

For my full review of the book, Within the Shadows, by author, Brandon Massey, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brandon Massey, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brandon Massey, profile page from Amazon:

Friday, December 11, 2020

Nang Tani by Lee Franklin


Five "Splatter" Stars

Blood and Gore!

A small taste of what is inside:

Shane is on the vacation of his life with celebrating his 21st birthday, but when he decides to get a tattoo that has a goddess deity which is suppose to bring bad luck is when things go from good to bad quickly!

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was a new author to me and I was pleasantly surprised with not only how fast I became captured in the storyline, but how the story just flowed along!  Very impressed with the descriptions of the blood splatter that arises within these pages as there is tons of it and I thought I had fallen into a blood pool of body parts as that is how descriptive the author gets with this story!

Twisted and fast paced gore action that I would suggest not eating before you read this book! Not a good idea at all! Trust me on this as I am not kidding - imagine throwing blood into a giant fan and turning the fan on high speed! Yeah - see - that is what I am talking about! 

Attached is the author, Lee Franklin, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Lee Franklin, profile page from Amazon:

My Goodreads review:

Ice Shadows by William Massa



Five "Freezing" Stars

Wow! This series is just rocking along and this next book "Ice Shadows" was a short story but packed a wallop of action! This book is considered a novella, but it has just as much action between the pages as the books that have more length. 

A very small taste of what is inside:

Mark Talon has come up against a black metal musician that has learned how to use the occult magic to control mother nature and Mark has to use all his wits to battle this villain.

That is about all I can give on this book as you can read my full review on Goodreads for more insight of what takes place within this story.


This series just keeps getting better and I am impressed with how the author keeps creating not only the settings of each adventure but how he creates the villains that use the occult powers. Each villain so far as been able to harness something different within the occult and it makes for very interesting reading of what the author comes up with next!

For my full review of the book, Ice Shadows, by author, William Massa, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Amazon:

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Apocalypse Solider (Occult Assassin #2) by William Massa



Five "Fireburst" Stars

Wow!!! The second book just grabbed me from the get-go as it took off like a lightning bolt and energized my reading of this story! 

A small taste of what is inside:

Mark Talon is back on another hair-raising adventure and this time he has to rescue a young woman from the clutches of a crazed demonic super soldier and his clan of cultists. Things heat up in this second book as Mark has to figure out how to kill this new villain as physical power doesn't seem to work as it is almost like trying to fight smoke. The cultists in this story are far more powerful than the cultists that were in book one, Damnation Code. Mark has his work cut out for him in this book and the heat is on as the fires of hell are nipping at his heels! 

I know - that was far more than a small taste, but I got on a description roll! lol 


This series is just loaded with action along with having the horror aspect of the occult seeped into the books with all the demon activity that goes on, but it is not like scary demon horror, just a little different with all the weapons and action involved. So far this series is rocking along and I will continue to make my way through the rest of the series. The next book is Ice Shadows which is seems to be a short story, so heading into that book next. Though all the books can be read as stand alone as all the stories seem to wrap up within one book as least so far from what I have seen with the first two books. So I will see how that goes as time moves on with the rest of the series. 

For my full review of the book, Apocalypse Soldier, by author, William Massa, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Amazon:

Monday, December 7, 2020

Damnation Code (Occult Assassin #1) by William Massa



Five "Action-Packed" Stars

Better the second time around!

A small taste of what lies within this book:

Mark Talon is with the Delta Force and he decides to come home to be with his girlfriend (Michelle) as he is wanting to ask her to marry him. Michelle is a reporter with a newspaper and she is in the middle of a breaking story. Mark and Michelle don't get a chance to be together long as things turn sour real quick when Michelle is brutally murdered.

Mark then goes into vengeance mode as he wants to track down and kill the murderers. In steps Simon Casca, a billionaire that seems to know details of not only Mark's life but Michelle's life as well. Simon knows who might be behind the murder and there have been more murders as well that have been happening and he wants to see justice done. Mark finds out from Simon that the murders are somehow connected to a cult that deals in the occult and to take out the cult then Mark has to learn the dark arts as physical power will not work at all against the cultists.

That is about all I can give out on a small backstory so if you are intrigued then go read this book and start of this series!


This story kicks off with a bang and the story stays full throttle throughout the book. This was my second time reading this book as I remember loving this series, so it is time for a reread as it has been awhile.

Lots of action abounds within these pages and through the whole book it was just one thing right after another! The visual aspects of the story itself just comes alive on the pages and I love the character Mark Talon as he is like The Punisher on steroids! This is one bad ass guy! You cannot knock down Mark Talon as he will just keep on coming till he gets what he wants!

Once again this book kept my insomnia fueled a few days and nights as I just could not seem to put the book down! Looking forward to rereading the rest of the series. 

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Goodreads:

William Massa

Attached is the author, William Massa, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

The Farm by Amy Cross



Five "Haunting" Stars

This was a great haunting book, by author, Amy Cross as I read this book back in 2018 and I had already been stepping a little into her world, so the cover is what mainly drew me in but the story is what captured me.

A small taste of what is inside:

The past steps on the heels of the present with this story as some terrible things happen to three sisters in the past resulting in the farm becoming haunted in the future. 

That is about I can dish out on here as you can read my full review over on Goodreads with more insight into the story.

Author, Amy Cross knows how to weave ghost stories as she is able to bring everything to life in the story. The visual aspects of her stories not only bring the "pages alive" but you can feel the atmosphere of the hauntings surround you. 

For my full review of the book, The Farm, by author, Amy Cross, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Amy Cross, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Amy Cross, profile page from Amazon:

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Loch Ness Revenge by Hunter Shea



Four "Action Packed" Stars

The master of "cryptid" strikes again! Author, Hunter Shea knows how to grab the reader and pull them into the creature feature part of his brain. Once you enter there truly is no escape! 

A small taste of what is inside:

The Loch Ness monster is alive (at least in this book) and the McQueen twins are on the hunt for the creature that took the lives of their parents.

That is about all I can give on a taste as you will have to read my full review on Goodreads. 

Author, Hunter Shea just has a certain way of grabbing the reader which normally happens in the first chapter of his books and then hurling that reader straight into the jaws of whatever creature is waiting in his stories! You can always expect lots of bodies, blood, and gore! Which is perfect for any horror fan! 

For my full review of the book, Loch Ness Revenge, by author, Hunter Shea, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea, profile page from Amazon:

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Horror Collection: White Edition by Kevin J. Kennedy



Five "Jingle Bell Horror" Stars

Wow! I was so happy that I jumped into this collection and I can tell you right now that I wasn't disappointed one bit! This book has some very cool stories and poems with quite a few horror twists, but all in good fun! 

The stories are as follows:

'Twas the Night Before Yuletide by James Matthew Byers
Christmas Eve by Mark Tufo
The Advent of Father Hirst by Lex H. Jones
Santa's Claws by Mark Allan Gunnells
Santa's Gift by Mark Allan Gunnells
White Oleanders by Steven Stacy 
Santa's Elite by Mark Cassell
A Christmas Ghost Story, 1985 by Amy Cross
The Christmas Miracle by Chris Miller
Down the Bizarro Watering Hole by Kevin J. Kennedy

I have a little bit more of a taste for each story or poem over on my Goodreads review which will give you a little bit more insight into all the stories without giving away spoilers. 

KJK Publishing has done it again with accumulating authors for this collection and I am always so happy when I read books by KJK Publishing as I always find new authors to track down and add to my collection! This is another book that has been added to my favorites shelf! 

For my full review of the book, The Horror Collection: White Edition, by author, Kevin J. Kennedy, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Kevin J. Kennedy, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Kevin J. Kennedy, profile page from Amazon:

Website of Kevin J. Kennedy: