Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Thoughts - Author Comments on Reviews

I have been on Goodreads for near nine years and I have seen all kinds of things, but I saw something last week that made me pause with eyebrows raised as I wasn't sure I was reading the post I was seeing. I literally read the post three "freaking" times as I kid you not I could not believe it! 

A reader had put up a post with a question that said this and I quote: "Does anyone else get upset when authors leave comments on the reviews? The authors should stay off of the reviews of the books." 

WHAT?!! What is wrong with that picture?!  I came close to going on a rant but the person was not one of my friends (thank goodness) so I just scrolled through all the readers reactions and I can honestly say that I was stunned by what some of the reader friends were saying on there. Quite a few of the friends were agreeing with the poster on there and I am still even shocked by that statement as I sit here and write this blog. Now out of all the comments one reader did say on there that they feel honored when the author leaves a comment on their review. FINALLY someone with some common sense! 

What is the reading world coming to when the authors who wrote the books cannot leave comments on the reviews of the books they wrote?! Where is the sense in that?!  

Here are some more thoughts on it from my end and if any author wants to leave a comment on any of my reviews my thoughts are "Go For It"!  The author creates stories - spends hundreds of hours writing them - then puts them out there for us readers to read and review. The very least that the reader can do is let the author comment on the review if they so wish as the books would not be here if it wasn't for the authors. 

I shake my head quite a lot these days as I don't know about readers sometimes and their thought processes. I am truly amazed at the things I see over on Goodreads and sometimes I just do not understand what is happening in the reading world. The more crazy stuff I see the more I want to go on rants. It is almost like "road rage" when you are driving your car and some idiot cuts you off - well in the book world I call it "reader rage" and you just want to lay into someone for saying crazy stuff about books. 

This one though takes the cake because I never dreamed that readers truly don't like the authors to leave comments! Maybe that is why some authors don't leave comments as they are worried about backlash from the reader - well let me tell you all something - if any author wants to leave comments on my reviews I would be honored as the book belongs to the author and it is their work that they have spent hours on end working to get out there to the readers! 

So those are my thoughts this week and I wonder if I will see anymore "crazy stuff" over there. Well if I do then I will write a blog about it because at least I can blow off some steam over here! :) 


  1. Interesting. For myself, I mostly don't interact with readers reviews, unless I already 'know,' them on goodreads.

    1. It is interesting to me too and I don't know if the reader meant authors in general or if they meant authors they are friends with as well.
