Sunday, October 1, 2023

How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix



Five "Haunting Horrors" Stars

Spooky Terror!

A small taste of what lies within:

Louise along with her brother Mark are thrown for a loop when their parents pass away at the same time and they both have to make arrangements to meet at their parents house to decide what to do with the house and decide if they want to sell it. 

Louise and Mark don't get along that well as they have had a rocky sibling relationship so things don't go as planned at first but when they start messing with the house they find out that the doll and puppet collection that belonged to their mom is haunted.  The more Louise and Mark try to get rid of the house the more they are met with resistance as the dolls/puppets do not want the house to be sold and they will do whatever it takes to keep Louise and Mark from selling! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was a different type of haunted house story as the haunting of the house mainly lies within the doll/puppet collection. This book really has to do with cursed/possessed objects and what happens to families that have those kinds of things in their homes. Though this book also had some humor in it too as the author Grady Hendrix just wrapped this book around spooky and creepy vibes but tossed in some funny quips here and there. 

I really enjoyed this story and when the book hits the 30% mark it slowly takes off. The author builds up the suspense of the story and brings the haunting more into focus as time goes on. By the time I reached the 45% mark the book was building up steam and I had a harder time putting it down as things were happening more in the story but when I hit the 60% mark is when the story went into overdrive as the haunting went into full scale terror! 

I loved all the characters as there are quite a few in the storyline which are mostly family relations to the siblings but they all mesh well within the storyline and you are able to feel what they all go through with this haunting. The book really brings to light what families go through when parents pass away and the siblings are left to take care of everything including trying to sell a house and property. The author plops the reader into the family drama of all what takes place in the story and surrounds the reader with the atmosphere of the haunting. Another great book by this author and looking forward to reading more of his work. 

Attached is the author, Grady Hendrix, profile page from Goodreads:

Grady Hendrix

Attached is the author, Grady Hendrix, profile page from Amazon:

Grady Hendrix

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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