Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Demonic by Lee Mountford


Five "Demon Danger" Stars

Spook Factor!

A small taste of what lies within:

Danni Morgan along with her husband, Jon and their two children Alex and Leah have gone back to Danni's old homestead where she grew up as her father passed away and she has now inherited the house and property. Though Danni has bad memories of growing up there so it is all she can do to even step foot on the property let alone decide to stay there. 

Danni just wants to go through the house and figure out what needs to be done as she would just rather sell it then go back home to her life with her family. Danni and Jon decide to just stay a day or so but well laid plans ended up going awry as the children start experiencing paranormal activity right away. Jon doesn't want to believe anything is going on within the house as he is just oblivious to what is happening around him whereas Danni starts realizing that something is going on within the house. 

When apparitions among other crazy things start happening all Danni wants to do is just get out of the house alive with her family but the entities that live there do not want the family to leave and they will do whatever it takes to keep them all there!

That is about all I can give out on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book! 


This was my second time reading this story as I read it back in 2017 and I remember that it was a scary ride the first time I read it as I remember leaving lights on. This time I still felt that it was scary but I didn't have to leave lights on this time around as I have become immune I think to horror stories - I just endure it all in the dark! :)

This book just seeps "creepiness and spooky vibes" by just looking at the cover and what lies between the pages is just as creepy. The demon/occult vibes just radiate off the pages and I could feel those vibes escalate throughout the story. The author, Lee Mountford has a way to pull the reader into his world and literally makes you feel as if you are experiencing the same thing as the characters. This book just brings on the dreaded feeling as you walk the halls of the house, you can feel that creepy atmosphere surround you as the haunting takes you to a level of heightened awareness! 

I have read a few horror fiction books where the demonic/occult is weaved into the storyline and this book is right up there with all those great occult stories. This book almost reads like one of those "true paranormal" reads as with the demonic haunting pulsating out of the book it truly felt that this book could be considered "true" as the demon that haunts the place is as bad as what a true demon would be probably be like in the true stories. 

Attached is the profile page of the author from Goodreads:

Lee Mountford

Attached is the author profile page of the author from Amazon:

Lee Mountford

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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