Sunday, October 23, 2022

4:50 From Paddington (Miss Marple #8) by Agatha Christie



Four "Train Terror" Stars

Suspenseful & Mysterious!

A small taste of what lies within:

Elspeth McGillcuddy is riding on a train and is admiring the view out her window when another train passes she sees a man choking a woman then sees the woman fall, but by the time she gets up to take a closer look the other train is already gone. 

She begins to wonder if what she saw was "real" but when she tries to find out details about the other train and comes up with no body Elspeth decides to discuss it with her friend Miss Marple and let her investigate the crime as with there being no body how can anyone say that there was a crime. 

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more than you will need to read the book!


This was my first time reading author, Agatha Christie! Yes - I know it is shameful really to never have read her books with her being the Queen of Mystery, but I figure better late than never and so here I am reading my first book by her. 

I really enjoyed this story and even though I read the book out of sequence I realized that it doesn't matter as the books are all stand alone. I thought the pacing of the book was fast and once the character, Miss Marple becomes involved the story picks up speed as the mystery deepens within the story and I was rattling my brain trying to figure out who the mystery killer was along with who was the mystery victim! 

The suspense of the story kept me on the edge of my seat and I would find myself reading chunks of the story with hours going by as the mystery surrounded me. I am so thankful that I finally decided to jump into a book by Agatha Christie. It was my first but it won't be my last!  

Attached is the author, Agatha Christie, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Agatha Christie, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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