I am back this year with doing the horror movies for Halloween October Fest that I will be watching and adding in thoughts with my ratings. I have already started watching horror movies and will be adding them in here for my first week of October. It might not be every night either but I will add them in as I go and will put in what network I watched them on.
October 1st:
Witchboard (1986) - Freevee (through Prime)
My rating: ππ
The plot revolves around a guy named Brandon (Stephen Nichols) that throws a party where his ex-girlfriend, Linda (Tawny Kitaen) shows up with her new boyfriend. Brandon coaxes his ex into playing with the Ouija board with him to contact a spirit named David who had already been in contact with Brandon. Then Linda really loved playing with the Ouija board so she takes the board with her so she can keep using it, but the spirit starts possessing her a little bit at a time to the point where she will become fully possessed and she is almost unrecognizable as the shy person she use to be.
I have never seen this movie before and really didn't know any of the actors that played the parts in the movie. The movie just wasn't really scary to me as normally a movie with a Ouija board involved is always super spooky but this movie just kind of flopped in that department. I wouldn't even really consider this movie a B movie either - kind of falls between a C and D. I know one thing I was not on the edge of my seat with this movie - if anything I was struggling to stay awake.
October 2nd:
Alone in the Dark (2005) - Freevee (through Prime)
My rating: ππππ
Edward (Christian Slater) is a paranormal investigator and a former agent from Bureau 713 who has in his possession an artifact from a Native American tribe that he is trying to take to a museum where a woman named Aline (Tara Reid) that is the curator there can help him with the artifact. But while he is trying to get there he is attacked by a super human villain that not even bullets can kill who is trying to intercept the artifact. When Edward finally gets there to the museum, Aline also has an artifact from the same tribe and when they both are examining the pieces a supernatural creature attacks the museum.
When I first started watching this movie I had remembered that I had seen this movie a long time ago and I remember that it was really good with lots of action and creature feature action as well. It was different at that time to watch Christian Slater play in a horror movie as I have always seen him in other movies. This time around watching it was just as much fun as the first time I had seen it and the action keeps up with through most of the movie. Lots of cool special effects too.
October 3rd:
Queen of Spades (2021) - Prime
My rating: πππ
An entity known as the Queen of Spades will appear if an ancient ritual is performed by drawing a door and a staircase on a mirror. Four teenagers try it out just for the heck of it thinking that nothing will happen but when they start seeing the Queen of Spades in the mirror is when things go sour real fast.
I did not know any of the actors/actresses that portrayed the characters in this movie and I have never heard of this movie before either, but it wasn't a bad movie - it just reminded me of the movies Bloody Mary quite a bit. An entity appears in a mirror then goes after all those involved with killing them in horrific ways. It was creepy but I was not overly spooked out.
October 4th:
Burnt Offerings (1976) - Paramount
My rating: ππππ
Ben Rolfe along with his wife Marion and son, Davey rent a summer house which is really a mansion for $900 for the whole summer from a sister and brother, but there is one catch - they must stay the entire summer and they must care for their mother who is in an upstairs room. They take it and never realize that they could be trapped at the home especially when the sister and brother disappear off the premises leaving the Rolfe's to fend for themselves.
I read the book about four years ago and the movie follows the book closely. I had never seen the movie till now and I am glad that I finally was able to watch it. I found the movie to be more mysterious than anything. It wasn't overly scary and the pace of the movie with some different things happening kept me intrigued enough to see what would happen next.
October 5th:
Jeepers Creepers (2001) - own this one
My rating: πππππ
A sister (Trish) and brother (Darry) are traveling home together but they end up being almost overrun by some crazy psycho driving a truck that nearly runs them off the road. As they pass an old church they see that same truck parked next to the old church and they see the man dumping what looks like bodies down a chute. When the man sees them going by slowly he jumps in his truck and chases them running them off the road. They get too curious about what they had witnessed so they go back to the old church to investigate.....big mistake as now they have a bullseye on their back from the psycho!
This is one of my favorite movies and I make sure to watch it every Halloween! When I first watched it years ago, I remember the trepidation of the slow buildup of fear as they both checked out the old church and I kept thinking the psycho guy was going to show up, but this movie has tons of tension and suspense with everything that happens with the psycho. The movie really goes from bad to worse in creeping horror as I still get breath hitches at certain parts of the movie!
October 6th:
Incident in a Ghostland (2018) - Netflix
My rating: ππππ
A mother (Pauline) and her two daughters (Beth and Vera) move into a house they inherited from their aunt, but as soon as they move in they are attacked by two intruders and the mother fights to save her daughters. Years later Beth is married and has a son plus she is an author - she gets a cryptic message that she needs to come home as Vera is not well so she leaves her husband and son to go back home. But things are not what they seem and if anything - is all of it real or imagined?
This movie was a fast paced train wreck right from the beginning! It was crazy weird with the intruders and then most of the movie I was wondering if Beth had really been married and had a son because things go really awry near the last half of the movie making you wonder if any of what Beth and Vera are enduring is still part of the past or part of the present. But thankfully the movie ended good but I was a nervous wreck for most of the movie. lol But it was a scary physiological thriller and I am glad that I finally watched it as I had been seeing it advertised on social media.
October 7th:
Joyride (2001) - own this one
My rating: πππππ
A brother (Lewis) is on his way to pick up his friend (Venna) in Colorado when he learns that his brother, (Fuller) is in jail and has made bail so he needs a ride home. Lewis swings by to pick up Fuller which ends up being a big mistake as Fuller ends up putting a cb radio in Lewis' car which leads them on a path to hell with a crazed truck driver!
This is another favorite movie as this is one crazy ride into terror when the truck driver goes nutso with the brothers plus it gets really crazy when Venna is involved and things go from bad to really bad for the brothers. I can literally munch my way through a whole bag of chips with this movie!
So that is my wrap up this week with horror movies! Really enjoyed stepping into new stuff and also revisiting favorites as well.
Happy viewing!
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