Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Clown In A Cornfield by Adam Cesare



Five "Crazy Creepy Clown" Stars

Screaming Tension! 

A small taste of what lies within:

Kettle Springs is a quite small town where everyone knows everyone, so when Doctor Maybrook and his daughter, Quinn move there it seems just to be the place for them to start over. Quinn seems drawn to some of the teenagers that like to cause trouble but it is more mischievous trouble than anything and when she ends up getting tossed out of class along with the new friends is when things go awry. 

The town's mascot is Frendo the clown but when something dresses up like the clown and starts stalking the students at a party out in the cornfield is when things go south quickly. It turns into a survival of the fittest as the party goers have to endure Frendo!

That is about all I can give on a small taste as if you want to know more than you will need to read the book!


It has been a long time since I read a book by this author and this was a fun gory ride into the cornfield! The very beginning of the book is a little slow as Quinn and her father get settled into the town, but as soon the party gets started then the book picks up speed quickly. It goes from zero to sixty in seconds and I was having to buckle up for the ride of my life! 

Lots of violent mayhem and pools of blood splash across the pages of this book as the pace of the book goes into overdrive. The tide turns quick in this book as the story goes from calm to a twisted mess of carnage right after the 30% mark and then stays at a high level of intensity throughout the remainder of the story not once letting up or slowing down! Another book to add to my favorites shelf and it is a perfect read for the Halloween season! 

Attached is the author, Adam Cesare, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Adam Cesare, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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