Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Sleepover Massacre by Brian G. Berry



Five "Slasher Serial Killer" Stars

Wow! This was an awesome serial killer book!

A small taste of what lies within:

Serial killer Anthony Ulrich has escaped from a mental facility and is slashing his way across the town of Rockton. Detective Quinton is hot on his trail as he doesn't want more bodies piling up. Anthony follows two teenagers to a home where he finds out there might be quite a few people that he can kill as all he cares about is slashing his way through them as he doesn't care who he kills as long as he adds some thrills to his kills! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read my full review on Goodreads.


Another great story by this author as this is my third book by him and I am impressed at how quick I was pulled into the story. There is quite a bit of slasher action right away and it doesn't let up through the rest of the book. 

The writing style just flows along and you cannot get attached to anyone in this story as they might not make it out alive! There is quite a bit of graphic descriptive gore details, so it was a good thing I had my gore suit on as there was so much splatter in this one I was covered in dripping red goo

For my full review of the book, The Sleepover Massacre, by author, Brian G. Berry, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brian G. Berry, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brian G. Berry, profile page from Amazon:


  1. That sounded like a fun 80s horror movie until the words Extreme Gore. That’s more Eli Roth in my mind.

    1. This author write in the extreme genre so his books are always filled with something "red". lol

      Yeah just like Eli Roth! lol
