Thursday, September 9, 2021

Berserker: Green Hell by Lee Franklin



Five "Splatter Gore Matter" Stars

Wow! This was an extreme romp ride!

A small taste of what lies within:

In the deep jungles of Vietnam, Pinny and his soldier buddies come across a disturbing sight as they go from village to village collecting dog tags. As they make their way through the jungle trying to avoid the enemy they find out that there is "something" else out there far worse and it is not in a good mood! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read my full review on Goodreads.


This was an extreme bloody and gory romp ride into terror! I was pulled right into the story from the get-go and the more I became involved in the story the harder it was to put down! 

This was an excellent story by author, Lee Franklin as there were quite a few twists throughout the storyline and there is buckets of blood and gore splashed throughout the book! My gore suit was zipped up from head to toe as there was so much splatter matter that I thought I was swimming in the splatter sea! 😁

For my full review of the book, Berserker: Green Hell, by author, Lee Franklin, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Lee Franklin, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Lee Franklin, profile page from Amazon:


  1. Nicely put, Marie. Lee Franklin was on my list of new people to read. Hopefully soon...

    1. Thank you, Jeffrey! You better get to it soon my friend as she has quite a few good ones out there! :)
