Monday, January 25, 2021

Hillary: Retribution (Hillary #3) by Angel Gelique



Five "Twisted" Stars

Wow! What a wrap-up to this trilogy! I started reading the books back in 2017 and just now finished wrapping it all up! 

A small taste of what lies within:

Hillary is back and out for revenge against her tormentors, but not everything goes as planned as she ends up meeting a kindly old woman that tries to show Hillary the error of her ways.

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read my review over on Goodreads for more of an insight to the story.


This book was nothing like the previous two books, but it still kept me glued to my seat as the storyline branches off into an unexpected direction. The story is more toned down and doesn't have the blood and gore as the other two books, but there is a little more intrigue and mystery that surrounds the character Hillary. 

As always the writing style of author, Angel Gelique pulled me right into the story as I sat down to read it and kept me glued to my kindle as I continued to make my way through the storyline. What I didn't expect was a monkey wrench to be thrown into the cogs near the end of the book as the author decided that she needed to throw a "twist" into the storyline to keep the hearts of her readers to beat faster and to make us turn the pages at lightning speed! Trust me when I say the "unexpected revelation" kept me awake to the early hours of the morning as I just could not put the book down! It was a satisfying twisted end! 

For my full review of the book, Hillary: Retribution (Hillary, #3), by author, Angel Gelique, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Angel Gelique, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Angel Gelique, profile page from Amazon:

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