Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Darkness Rising by Brian Moreland



Four "Sweet Revenge" Stars

This was a great story and it just grabbed me right away when I read this book back in 2017! 

A small taste of what lies within:

Marty Weaver is bullied and abused, but he also has a secret - one that will turn things around in a heartbeat leading to the destruction of those that have treated him wrong.

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you can read the rest of my review over on Goodreads.


The author, Brian Moreland has a great writing style that draws you in to the stories very quickly. Once you are pulled in to his mind you are basically stuck there as you weave your way through all the activity! Sometimes you just do not want to leave either as the stories he creates capture the essence of all the emotions you feel as you read his books. 

There is a moral to the story for this book though as with the character being bullied he is able to overcome those who have done things to him but he does it with a twist. This was a very interesting concept of how this character was able to perform this twisted feat and it takes the story to a whole new level of revenge. 

For my full review of the book, Darkness Rising, by author, Brian Moreland, please see my review from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Brian Moreland, profile page from Goodreads:


Attached is the author, Brian Moreland, profile page from Amazon:

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