Monday, March 13, 2023

The House at Phantom Park by Graham Masterton



Five "Haunting Heebie-Jeebie" Stars!

Terrifying Ghosts!

A small taste of what lies within:

Lilian Chesterfield works for a company that is wanting to turn the abandoned hospital of St. Philomena which use to be a military hospital into luxury housing. As Lilian along with David part of her team tries to see what they will need to do in order to get the building fixed they are confronted with forces out of their control trying to stop them from working on the place. 

When two surveyors are struck down with odd calamities within the building it makes Lilian wonder if some activists in the area are trying to impede their progress of the luxury housing being complete - Lilian doesn't believe in ghosts so the thought never crosses her mind but as more weird things start happening within the building their thoughts are about to change as what haunts the building makes its presence known and before long, Lilian will come to realize that hauntings do exist! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you are intrigued then go grab this book!


This story was one spooky ride into the haunting realm of Graham Masterton's mind! I was captured right away with the storyline and though there was a tiny bit of a slow burn with the story it didn't take long for it to escalate with the haunting. The mystery of what is actually haunting the building takes some time, but I felt that it was more of a suspenseful buildup for the revelation of "who" and "what" was doing the haunting. 

The mystery deepens the further I became involved in the storyline and I really liked the characters Lillian and David - though Lilian was a little aggravating not realizing that the place was haunted - after a few incidents in the book she was still not convinced that it was anything other worldly but other than her being "in the dark" some of the time, the story was still very good. Also there are some descriptive gore scenes within the story as well which was a nice change of pace from the haunting. All in all the story was an excellent creepy haunted house story that kept me encased with a few nights of insomnia. Another great book by this author and the book will be going on my favorites shelf. 

Attached is the author, Graham Masterton, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Graham Masterton, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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