Five "Cool Horror" Stars
I read this book back in April of 2019 as it kept coming across my Goodreads feed. It seemed all my friends were reading it, so I jumped on the bandwagon as well. I can tell you that I am happy that I did as I loved this book!
It brought back so many memories of browsing through thrift store/bookstore shelves trying to find horror paperbacks and then pulling out the books with creepy covers it was like finding a treasure trove of horror gold!
Author, Grady Hendrix compiled tons of information for this book along with the horror covers that I was just "giddy with excitement" seeing all of it within one book! It was just so cool to stroll back down memory lane and reading about all the books that are within these pages.
For my full review of the book, Paperbacks From Hell, by author, Grady Hendrix, please see my review from Goodreads:
Attached is the author, Grady Hendrix, profile page from Goodreads:
Attached is the author, Grady Hendrix, profile page from Amazon: