Monday, August 31, 2020

Voodoo Heart by John Everson



Five "Blood Soaked" Stars

Twisted Suspense of Terror!

Second time reading this book kept the terror running rampant! 

A small taste of what lies within:

Detective Lawrence Ribaud has his hands full as he tries to figure out his latest case as this case is more personal when his wife has become one of the victims. Beds are saturated in blood but no bodies and the only thing left of the person is their heart.

"Welcome to New Orleans"

Ribaud knows that this is no ordinary crime and that to find the truth he will have to go into the underground of the city. As he digs deep into the case he enters the world of voodoo and the more he learns the worse off he is as now the tables have been turned on him as things happen to him to warn him of not going any further with the case. When you poke a stick in a hornets nest you are going to get stung or in this case when you poke a stick in a snake pit you are going to get bit!

What happens to Ribaud? Who or what is stealing bodies and leaving the hearts? Does Ribaud find the person or persons responsible for the crimes? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This book literally kept me awake nights as I just could not put it down. Major insomnia fuel! Second time around reading this book kept me awake even more!

The author, John Everson, obviously did some research on this book as there is quite a bit of the voodoo lore within these pages. Lots of twists and turns along with some blood splatter throughout the book as I made my way through the storyline.

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Goodreads:

John Everson

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Amazon:

John Everson

My review from Goodreads:

My Review

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Easy Money by Sea Caummisar



Four "Twisted" Stars

This book was an enjoyable ride into the mind of author, Sea Caummisar! Twisted tension and suspense along with a fast paced story that will keep you pinned to your chair! 

I was riding the waves of extreme on my horror twisted surf board as I delved into this story as the first chapter just grabbed me right away! 

A small taste of what is inside:

Tons of money awaits the person that will hurt themselves to claim it and what some people will do to themselves to have the money lining their pockets.

The author does write extreme horror and this was extreme but not over the top as it had just enough tense moments to keep you glued to your seat. I kept wanting to see what would happen next as I made my way through the story. Definitely a ride I won't forget and guess what? This is a series so there is more yet to read in this world! 

For my full review of the book, Easy Money, by author, Sea Caummisar, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Sea Caummisar, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Caummisar, profile page from Amazon:

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Becoming by Glenn Rolfe



Five "Creepy" Stars

When I read this book back in March of 2019, I was just captivated by the story as it takes off from the first chapter and cruises along at a high rate of speed all the way to the end of the book!

A small taste of what to expect:

Some kind of creature resides in the bottom of a lake and when it makes itself known then things "become" interesting when it takes over the town. 

The book just has that "B movie" feel to it throughout the whole story and I truly enjoyed the book as I read it within two days! 

Do you remember those B movies you use to go to at the theatre? Quite a few of them were excellent movies and it seemed that those movies stuck with you for a long time. I compare those movies to this book as it took me back to those theatre days. 

So grab your popcorn and your soda as you will need it when you settle down to read this book! As it plays out in your mind, image that you are sitting in front of the theatre screen. 

For my full review of the book, Becoming, by author, Glenn Rolfe, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Amazon:

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Mourning House by Ronald Malfi


Five "Spooky Chills" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Sam Hatch loses his family in a horrific accident and decides to completely walk away from his life as he has nothing left. He takes to the highway traveling here and there hoping to keep the life he had at bay.

On his travels, Sam comes across an abandoned house in the woods and on a whim he decides to buy it. He thinks that he can repair it back to its former glory. What he doesn't know is that the house is abandoned for a reason and what lies within will take its toll on his mind!  Sam not only has to explore his inner self but he has to come to grips with what the house holds as well.

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was one creepy and haunting story! I had read this book back in 2017 and I had been seeing this author come across my Goodreads feeds at that time from Goodreads friends to the point that I wanted to try him out for myself. It seemed at the time that everyone was reading this book too and I was happy to be able to snag it so that I could jump into it as well.

I was definitely not disappointed as though this book is under 200 pages, it was filled with creepy atmosphere and just that spooky skittering feeling that whispers along your skin as you are reading a haunting tale. 

If you have never read Ronald Malfi then I would suggest grabbing this book and be prepared to be spooked!  Will you be bringing home the spooks to your door and will they enter your mind? That remains to be seen. 

Attached is the author, Ronald Malfi, profile page from Goodreads:

Ronald Malfi

Attached is the author, Ronald Malfi, profile page from Amazon:

Ronald Malfi

Website of Ronald Malfi:

Ronald Malfi

My Goodreads Review:

My Review

Friday, August 21, 2020

Creature by Hunter Shea


Five "Creature Feature Terror" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Kate Woodson lives day in and day out with massive chronic pain and autoimmune diseases. She doesn't have a normal life like most people as she has to stay in the house and sometimes is bed ridden. Her husband, Andrew, is a devoted husband who looks after her and tries to keep her in up beat spirits even when her spirits are low to the ground.

Andrew decides to take Kate away from the house and go somewhere peaceful hoping to give her a nice holiday for the summer. Andrew finds a cottage near a lake that is out in the backwoods of Maine. Once they arrive and move into the cottage, the stillness and quiet of the peaceful place is shattered by unearthly screams and howls. They soon realize that the wildlife of the woods is not part of the howling chaos and when more things start happening to them at the cottage, the more frightened they become as something roams the woods not of this world.

The "Creature" wrecks havoc on Andrew and Kate's emotions as they not only have to endure what is going on outside the cottage, but they have to endure what Kate is going through inside with her chronic pain. What was suppose to be a nice getaway, turns out to be a ride into the hellish unknown!


Wow! This story was a roller coaster ride of horror and as always with creature feature stories, author, Hunter Shea delivers them right into our hands! I read this book back in September of 2018 and I think it is time for a reread as this book kept me awake some nights reading it. This story is definite insomnia fuel! 

Creature features are author, Hunter Shea's specialty as he can take a normal creature and just twist them into something that would be romping through your nightmares! 

This book has tons of emotions running rampant throughout the storyline with the characters and what they have to endure with the creature. The pace is fast and quick as the pages are turned at lightning fast speed as when the howling starts you better be tucked down in your cozy chair as author, Hunter Shea is getting ready to teach you what creatures run rampant through his mind!

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea, profile page from Goodreads:

Hunter Shea

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea, profile page from Amazon:

Hunter Shea

My Goodreads Review:

My Review

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Farm



Four "Splatter" Stars

This book was my first introduction to author, Matt Shaw, and I can honestly say that I enjoyed every single word! I read this book back in the Summer of 2018 and I buddy read the book with a friend. An "extreme ride" into terror is what this book is about and it also has a sequel as well! 

A small taste of what is inside the book:

A psycho is on the loose and he likes to do things out on the farm. 

No spoilers here so you will just have to let your imagination run loose with that cryptic sentence! 

But I will tell you that the book is extreme horror so if you like your horror books with lots of blood and gore then you will find just what you need within these pages!

For my full review of the book, The Farm, by author, Matt Shaw, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Matt Shaw, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Matt Shaw, profile page from Amazon:

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Prank Night


Five "Blood Splatter" Stars

Wow! This was a cool and twisted book I read last Halloween! First time author, but I had heard good things about his books so I jumped in with both feet and I was definitely not disappointed! 

A nice romp into twisted insanity and lots of blood/gore to add as well which kept me turning the pages as the bodies started piling up! This book would be a great movie as I can literally see the images coming to life from this story! 

A small taste of what is inside:

On Halloween everyone says "trick or treat" but what about "prank or treat"? It just doesn't have the same ring to it, but within this book "pranks" are the key to the story and when the pranks start happening is when the blood starts flying!

I read the last half of the book within 24 hours as things were happening so quickly that I could not put the book down and added a new horror author in the process which is really cool to me! 

For my full review of the book, Prank Night, by author, Kristopher Rufty, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Kristopher Rufty, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Kristopher Rufty, profile page from Amazon:

Monday, August 17, 2020

Shutter House



Five "Hack/Slash" Stars!

Wow! What a creepy horror ride this book turned out to be! New author to me and I was like entranced through the whole story as I literally read this book within 24 hours as I just could not put this book down! 

The cover of the book just basically drew me in, but when I read the blurb of the story, I had a feeling that it might be really good and I have to say that I was not disappointed! The author just grabbed me in the very first chapter and kept me in a state of "tortured" suspense throughout the rest of the book! 

Here is a small taste of what is inside:

Robbing a house is never a good thing, but robbing a house where a psycho lives is even worse.

So that is basically what this book is about and it has lots of twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So if you are in the mood for some "slice and dice" then go grab this book as you will not be disappointed! 

For my full review of the book, Shutter House, by author, Rick Wood, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Rick Wood, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Rick Wood, profile page from Amazon:

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Unwelcome Guests



Four "Suspenseful" Stars

Another great book by author, Anna Willett, that kept me in total suspense mode for three days! Lots of mystery, tension, suspense, and nail biting between the pages as the story moves at lightning speed!

When a peaceful weekend at a mansion retreat goes awry you best load up on some snacks as you will not be moving out of your chair anytime soon! 

Having read two other books by this author, I knew that I was going to be in for a treat and I was definitely given a "treat of intrigue" that kept my fingers fueled turning the pages! 

If you have not read any books by this author, then it is about time you start because author, Anna Willett has the ability to hook you from the beginning and keep you on the fishing line for the duration of the story!

For my full review of the book, Unwelcome Guests, by author, Anna Willett, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Anna Willett, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Anna Willett, profile page from Amazon:

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Presence - A Supernatural Thriller (Sinister Spirits Book 1)



Four "Mysterious" Stars

This is a new author to me and after reading the blurb it seemed that the book was going to be a scary ride into the unknown. Well it wasn't scary, but it was loaded with lots of suspenseful mystery that made me want to keep reading. 

The story just flowed along and kept me intrigued as I delved more into the story. The characters were perfect for me as I loved the main character Rosalind as she is spunky and doesn't take no nonsense from anyone. There are two other characters that are "unsavory" but what book doesn't have those kind of characters within its pages. But Rosalind handles those characters with finesse with that spunky attitude. 

The book centers around a haunted library setting which is really cool to me because who wouldn't want to spend time in a haunted library. I think I would be poking around trying to figure out why it was haunted. Who is with me?  :) 

There are seven more books in the series and I have all of them except the last one which I will eventually grab to add to my collection. I am looking forward to reading the second book in the series. 

For my full review of the book, The Presence - A Supernatural Thriller, by author, Kirk Kilgrave, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Kirk Kilgrave, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Kirk Kilgrave, profile page from Amazon:

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Crazy Old Lady by Angel Gelique


Four "Twisted Fun" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

When a old woman lives as a recluse in her home all she wants is to be left alone, but when two men enter her home to rob her is when the crap hits the fan. There are different kinds of justice, but when someone breaks into your home, you have to defend it which is what this old woman does as she gives the robbers her own brand of justice! 

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book! 


To put it mildly, the author, Angel Gelique always has surprises for her readers as she loves to "twist" and "turn" ordinary household items into weapons of the likes you have ever seen! 

Once you read her books, those items that lay around your house, you will never look at them the same way again! This story moves at a quick pace too as you don't have time to breathe so if you want something that is going to make your heart race then go check out this book! Oh and you might want to grab a gore suit too as this one gets messy! You have been warned. πŸ˜‰

Attached is the author, Angel Gelique , profile page from Goodreads:

Angel Gelique

Attached is the author, Angel Gelique , profile page from Amazon:

Website of Angel Gelique:

My Goodreads Review:

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Witching House by Brian Moreland



Five "Blood Soaked" Stars

Tension Wrapped With Splatter!

A very small taste of what lies within:

Two couples, Dean and Sarah along with Casey and Meg are considered urban explorers meaning they like to go romping through abandoned buildings. They end up "romping" through the Blevins house where multiple murders happened there in the past and they get more than they bargained for when things start happening to them as the Blevins house is now super haunted!

That is about all I can give on a very small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This book just grabbed me from the get-go as the author, Brian Moreland just drew me straight into the storyline. The story of the Blevins house with the atmospheric haunting just seeps into your soul as you read the book. 

As with any haunted house you will find the usual ghostly presence, but when this house is known for multiple homicides then it turns this house almost into a portal of hell as when the characters in the book start exploring its halls, I was on the edge of my seat with what was going to happen next and I literally could not put this book down! 

Also when the gore starts flying and yeah it does fly in this book which almost turns into "splatter stick to the walls" kind of book then you better have your gore suit handy because you are going to need it! 

Attached is the author, Brian Moreland, profile page from Goodreads:

Brian Moreland

Attached is the author, Brian Moreland , profile page from Amazon:

My Goodreads Review:

Note: Updated this blog with digital artwork along with an enhanced updated review. 

The Girl from the Blood Coven by Brian Moreland



Five "Creepy Coven" Stars

Short Story Suspense!

A very small taste of what lies within:

Abigail Blackwood goes into a bar covered in blood and it just so happens that the Sheriff of the town is in the bar having a drink. Abigail lets the Sheriff know why she is drenched in blood as she tells him that something murdered her family. What happens next will send the Sheriff on a ride into hell!

That is about all I can give on a very small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was a very short story by author, Brian Moreland, but it is a prequel to his book, The Witching House. 

Just within this short story the author is able to wrap the atmosphere of the book around you and pull you slap-dab into the middle of the Blevins House which is what this story is about. 

When the crap hits the fan in this book you are going to feel it as you flip the pages wanting to see what will happen next!

Attached is the author, Brian Moreland, profile page from Goodreads:

Brian Moreland

Attached is the author, Brian Moreland, profile page from Amazon:

Brian Moreland

My Goodreads Review:

My Review

In Every Dark Corner



Four "Twisted" Stars

This book was a "typical twist" of fun, entertaining horror from the mind of author, Duncan Ralston! The title of the book is interesting to me as it could be mean a couple of things, but the more I think about it, the title could mean "In Every Dark Corner" of Duncan's mind too! 

There are lots of "dark corners" in there I am sure and whatever is crawling around in there comes out through his fingertips into the pages of this book! 

Seven short stories along with a taste of his book Ghostland is within these pages. All the stories have some sort of "twist" to them which will make you want to run and hide in your dark corner! 

So do you dare to enter the mind of author, Duncan Ralston? I guarantee that once you enter you might never be the same, but at least you will have some fun while you quietly sit in the dark corner of your mind while you read this book! 

For my full review of the book, In Every Dark Corner, by author, Duncan Ralston, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Duncan Ralston, profile page from Amazon:

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Lonely is the Night

Five "Fanged" Stars

This short story, Lonely is the Night, by author, David Brian, was filled with bloody bites of horror as the vampire theme wrapped itself around me. 

The moment I started reading the book, I just could not put it down and read it all within one sitting. Even though the story was short there were some twists and turns within its pages. 

A short vampire story that has plenty of "bite" and flavor within its pages.

For my full review of the book, Lonely is the Night, by author, David Brian, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, David Brian, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, David Brian, profile page from Amazon:

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Witch Island

Five "Witchy" Stars

What a wild ride this book turned out to be as I wasn't expecting it to go into extreme mode! When I read this book back in July of 2018, I knew that the book was going to be good as I had read other books by this author before and was never disappointed! So when I read the blurb of the book, I had a feeling that this book was going to be rocking, but didn't know how much "rocking" as I was going to endure until I got into the storyline!

When the crap hits the fan in the story, you better be grabbing your gore suit as trust me, you will need it! Witches/Curses is the main theme in this story and the story was so fast paced that is was hard to put down as I flew through it within 48 hours! 

The characters and all what they had to go through within the storyline just grabbed me right away, but when the story became deeper with the curse on the island is when things went from calm to crazy within just a few pages! 

For my full review of the book, Witch Island, by author, David Bernstein, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, David Bernstein, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, David Bernstein, profile page from Amazon:

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Tormented by Lee Mountford


Five "Tormented Gory" Stars

Crazy Terror Ride!

A small taste of what lies within:

Welcome to Arlington Asylum - place that harbors crazies from all walks of life, but then there are some that are not wrapped around the bend and are actually sane.

Adrian James was close to taking his own life until he was rescued by a man named Isaac Templeton. At the time Adrian didn't know what to expect when Isaac came into his life, but Isaac promised to make him better as long as he would come stay at a place where they could administer a new medicine that was sure to cure all.

Little does Adrian know that he has just stepped into his worst nightmare and that the place he is staying in is an asylum. The new medicine that is suppose to be a cure is far from what was promised and the medicine is doing some strange things to the patients.

When Adrian sees something that is beyond his imagination he cannot figure out if he is having a hallucination or if it is real as a mutated monster is roaming the halls of the asylum and it goes into a rage turning the asylum into a gore fest. But that is the least of Adrian's worries as when he finds out there are more of those creatures he wonders along with the rest of the patients if they will be ever make it out of the asylum alive!

What kind of creature does Adrian see? Where did it come from? Why are there creatures roaming the halls of the asylum? Does Adrian along with the other patients make it out alive? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This book's setting is inside an asylum and there are more than warped patients inside the walls as some other beings are lurking along the hallways! Though the book starts out a little slow, the author is just building up his momentum so he can lower the boom on you and drag you through the halls of the asylum kicking and screaming! 

The book moved at a fast pace once I hit the 30% mark and as I hit the 50% mark it took off like lightning as I could hardly put it down! This was a gory romp into insanity all the way to the end of the book! Other characters are in the book as well that come into play through most of the book and everything moves super fast when the creatures make an appearance.

Author Lee Mountford knows how to turn a perfectly docile asylum into a gore infested romp and just looking at the cover of the book along with the title I knew this was going to be a fun read and believe me, I was not for one second disappointed! 

The book literally explodes with bloody gore through the last half of the book which takes this book into the extreme realms of hell! Buckle up readers as you are in for one gory ride and you will be in need of a gore suit! 

Attached is the author, Lee Mountford, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Lee Mountford, profile page from Amazon:

My Goodreads Review: