Five "Spooky Chills" Stars
A small taste of what lies within:
On his travels, Sam comes across an abandoned house in the woods and on a whim he decides to buy it. He thinks that he can repair it back to its former glory. What he doesn't know is that the house is abandoned for a reason and what lies within will take its toll on his mind! Sam not only has to explore his inner self but he has to come to grips with what the house holds as well.
That is about all I can hand out with a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!
This was one creepy and haunting story! I had read this book back in 2017 and I had been seeing this author come across my Goodreads feeds at that time from Goodreads friends to the point that I wanted to try him out for myself. It seemed at the time that everyone was reading this book too and I was happy to be able to snag it so that I could jump into it as well.
I was definitely not disappointed as though this book is under 200 pages, it was filled with creepy atmosphere and just that spooky skittering feeling that whispers along your skin as you are reading a haunting tale.
If you have never read Ronald Malfi then I would suggest grabbing this book and be prepared to be spooked! Will you be bringing home the spooks to your door and will they enter your mind? That remains to be seen.
Attached is the author, Ronald Malfi, profile page from Goodreads:
Ronald MalfiAttached is the author, Ronald Malfi, profile page from Amazon:
Ronald Malfi
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