Thursday, August 27, 2020

Becoming by Glenn Rolfe



Five "Creepy" Stars

When I read this book back in March of 2019, I was just captivated by the story as it takes off from the first chapter and cruises along at a high rate of speed all the way to the end of the book!

A small taste of what to expect:

Some kind of creature resides in the bottom of a lake and when it makes itself known then things "become" interesting when it takes over the town. 

The book just has that "B movie" feel to it throughout the whole story and I truly enjoyed the book as I read it within two days! 

Do you remember those B movies you use to go to at the theatre? Quite a few of them were excellent movies and it seemed that those movies stuck with you for a long time. I compare those movies to this book as it took me back to those theatre days. 

So grab your popcorn and your soda as you will need it when you settle down to read this book! As it plays out in your mind, image that you are sitting in front of the theatre screen. 

For my full review of the book, Becoming, by author, Glenn Rolfe, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Amazon:


  1. this sounds fun! i need to get on it and read this.

    1. Well whenever you want to read it then let me know and I will do a reread with you because I loved this book! :)
