Friday, August 9, 2024

Open All Night by Thomas Davidson



Three "Mysterious" Stars

Action Mixed With Mystery!

A small taste of what lies within:

A man goes into a diner to get a meal but comes across a mysterious note stuck in the diner menu of someone needing help but what makes it more curious is that there is an address. What happens next is a twisted short romp that takes the man on a small quest of trying to be a good Samaritan! 

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste as this book is a short story under 25 pages! 


First time reading this author and I have owned this book for a long while but wanted to read a short story so I jumped in with both feet! I really liked the story as it reminded me of the TV show The Twilight Zone as that is where this story seems to meander along as it has some twisted mayhem lying within these pages! 

I wish there had been more back story though of what takes place within this story which I cannot reveal as it would be a spoiler and I wish the story had been just a little bit longer but alas the story comes to a halt and it was over before I knew it! Still I thought it was a good short horror story and will be on the lookout for more books by this author which I will step into at some point. 

Attached is the author, Thomas Davidson, profile page from Goodreads:

Thomas Davidson

Attached is the author, Thomas Davidson, profile page from Amazon:

Thomas Davidson

My review from Goodreads:

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