Monday, August 19, 2024

Authors Discovered - Part XII

This is my next list of 10 authors discovered within the last five years. The authors with their books are listed in no particular order. 

J.D. Allen (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Book(s) Read:
Can Susan Come Out and Play
ZWA T-68 Flight of the Dead


With this author I had been seeing some of my friends on Facebook reading his work so I decided to check him out as well. The first book I read was "Can Susan Come Out and Play" and I ended up loving the author's writing style so much that I went to grab some of his other books. I then read his book "ZWA T-68 Flight of the Dead" and then "Pentagrams".  Loved them all! I have some more of his books simmering on my kindle. 

Tamara Thorne (Horror/Horror Suspense)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Author's Website:

Book(s) Read:

The Ghosts of Ravencrest (The Ravencrest Saga #1) (co-authored with Alistair Cross)


I have had this author's books on my kindle for a long while before jumping into her work last year. I read her book The Ghosts of Ravencrest (The Ravencrest Saga #1) that she co-authored with Alistair Cross and "WOW" I was blown away as they swept me into the gothic realm of their story and I loved this book to the point that I have the rest of the series on my kindle waiting to be read. I also have a few of her other books that she wrote simmering on my kindle as well. Looking forward to reading the rest of the Ravencrest saga plus the rest of her books that I own. 

A. Lopez, Jr. (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Author's Website:

Book(s) Read:

Floor Four Part 1
Floor Four Part 2


This author I had read his book "Floor Four Part 1" years ago and didn't realize that he had a sequel out till one of my friends let me know that there was another book out there. So I decided to do a reread of the first book to refresh my memory and then read the second book right behind it. I have some more books by this author simmering on my kindle that I look forward to reading in the future. 

Megan Stockton (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Book(s) Read:

Quiet, Pretty Things


This author came across my line of sight from one of my friends and they told me the book was great so I checked it out for myself and definitely agreed. I loved the book so much that I bought the author's second book and I have it on my kindle as well that I will step into in the future. 

D.W. Hitz (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Author's Website:

Book(s) Read:



I grabbed this book not too long after it came out in 2021 and jumped into reading it back in March of this year.  I really liked the story and it was my first time reading this author. I have a few more by this author simmering on my kindle. 

Lincoln Cole (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Book(s) Read:

The Everett Exorcism (World of Shadows #1)
The Vatican Children (World of Shadows #2)
The Bishop's Legacy (World of Shadows #3)


I found this author years ago when I was looking around on Amazon for occult horror and I came across the book "The Everett Exorcism". The synopsis of the story sounded super creepy with demonic activity so I decided to take the plunge and grabbed the book. I finally completed reading the trilogy when I read "The Bishop's Legacy" back in May of this year. Loved the series and even reread the first book "The Everett Exorcism" early this year for a refresher course as I wanted to read all the books back to back. I have more books by this author simmering on my kindle. 

Ryan C. Thomas (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Author's Website:

Book(s) Read:

The Summer I Died (The Roger Huntington Saga #1)


This author I had found on Goodreads as a few of my friends were reading the book "The Summer I Died" about three years ago as I was seeing it coming across my Goodreads feed a lot even though the book was published years ago it somehow came alive over on Goodreads as the book was popping up a lot over there so I decided to jump in with both feet as well. What a ride! I loved the book and the writing style so much that I grabbed a bunch more of his books. I also read the book "Hobbomock" back in 2022. All in all looking forward to reading more books by this author in the future. 

Debra Castaneda (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Author's Website:

Book(s) Read:

The Box in the Cuts (Surviving Hillside Book 1)


This author I found also over on Goodreads as some of my friends were reading one of her books quite a bit over there which was "The Root Witch" and I decided to skip that book for now and checked out her other books. So I stepped into her book "The Box in the Cuts" and that book I really liked which I read that book in August of 2023. I have a few more of her books simmering on my kindle and I will be stepping into more of her work in the future. 

Mary SanGiovanni (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Book(s) Read:
Chills (Kathy Ryan #1)
Behind the Door (Kathy Ryan #2)


I found this author when I was looking around on Goodreads as a few friends were reading her work so I checked out her book, "Behind the Door" as the synopsis looked intriguing. I probably should have read the book "Chills" first as it is the first book in the series but for some reason I skipped the first book and dived into the second book. The books are stand alone so it didn't really matter as I didn't miss any previous story plots. The only thing that was the same was the main character, Kathy Ryan. Really enjoyed "Behind the Door" and I started checking out what other books this author had out there. I have a few more books to read by her simmering on my kindle which I will read in the future. 

Aislinn Marshall (Horror)

Goodreads Author Profile:

Amazon Author Profile:

Book(s) Read:
The Crossing
All Soul's Night


This author I came across years ago as I was looking for something creepy to read and I came across her book "The Crossing". It was a good book but it was not as spooky as her book "All Soul's Night" which I loved. I read "All Soul's Night" earlier this year and it was one creepy ride! Unfortunately it seems those are the only two books that the author has out in the book world as I went to see what else she has out there and find nothing. But I won't give up hope as maybe I will see something from her in the future and if so, I will grab it! 

Final Thoughts

So that is my wrap up of "Authors Discovered" this time around. I will put up another ten authors within my "Authors Discovered Series" soon. 

Till next time - Happy Reading folks!