Thursday, August 8, 2024

Dead End Tunnel by Nick Roberts


Five "Nightmare Scary" Stars

Spooky Dread!

A small taste of what lies within:

Maverick and his two best friends are just wanting to hang out as it is Mav's birthday but his friend Max wants to give Mav something for his birthday but they have to go through a long dark tunnel on their bikes to get there. Things go from having fun to the worst night of their lives when Max disappears on their way through the tunnel. Maverick's life is turned upside down along with the whole town the night Max disappears and Maverick has never forgotten that night. Years later it is time for a revisit but what will Maverick find on his quest to know the truth? 

That is about all I can give out on a small taste without giving away spoilers, so if you want to know more then go read this book! 


This story just grabbed me from the get go and kept me wrapped within its pages till the very end. This story is told in two different time lines - the first part of the book is Maverick as a kid and the second half of the book is Maverick as an adult. 

The story moves fast as there is no time to take a breath as the author, Nick Roberts hurtles you toward everything that lies in your path to find out what really happened within the story. I had many late nights reading this story as it kept my insomnia fueled! The mystery deepens as I continued to make my way through the story and even though this is horror it also has a little bit of sci-fi wrapped within the story as well. 

Another great book by this author and looking forward to reading whatever else he has coming out! 

Attached is the author, Nick Roberts, profile page from Goodreads:

Nick Roberts

Attached is the author, Nick Roberts, profile page from Amazon:

Nick Roberts

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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