Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Those Who Dwell in Mordenhyrst Hall by Catherine Cavendish



Five "Sinister Suspense" Stars

Haunting Atmosphere!

A small taste of what lies within:

Simon and Grace are planning to get married but when Simon brings Grace to Mordenhyrst Hall to meet his family Grace feels out of sorts with not only the mansion and the village but also she feels that she doesn't belong at Mordenhyrst Hall as she is not welcomed as she would hope. But something is not right as there is something sinister not only lurking in the mansion but in the village as well! Something haunting - something off - something does not feel right, but what is it? 

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book! 


Once again author, Catherine Cavendish has grabbed me with her atmospheric haunting tale of Mordenhyrst Hall - a mansion that has many secrets and characters that are weaved within magnificently! You become attached to some characters and others you wish would just go away! 

The story moves along at a great clip and the author describes details of the mansion, village and characters making you think that you have been pulled straight into the book as if you were experiencing and seeing what is being described in the story! 

I have read many books by this author and I am always impressed by how fast she is able to pull me into her stories and keep me there for the duration of the book! 

Attached is the author, Catherine Cavendish, profile page from Goodreads:

Catherine Cavendish

Attached is the author, Catherine Cavendish, profile page from Amazon:

Catherine Cavendish

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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