Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Missing Stage by Adler Tittle



Five "Twisted Terror" Stars

Psychological Fear Fest! 

A very small taste of what lies within:

A mother has to make a difficult choice between her twin children when a kidnapper wants to take one of them.

That is about all I can give out on a very small taste without giving away spoilers as this book is super short so if you want to know more then go read this book!


First time reading this author and I was surprised with how fast I was pulled into the story!

This story borders on the edge of a twisted mess of psychological depression and took me into the deep dark recesses of this author's mind! I will be curious to see what author Adler Tittle will be working on in the future as this book barreled along at a high rate of speed and crashed upon the walls of despair! 

Attached is the author, Adler Tittle, profile page from Goodreads:

Adler Tittle

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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