Saturday, June 22, 2024

Chain Letter (2010)


My Rating


Streaming service: Tubi

Date of Movie: 2010


A crazed murderer begins to kill teenagers after they refuse to forward his chain emails and they begin to die in horrible ways when they delete the emails.


I have never seen this movie - I think I saw it advertised years ago but never got around to watching it. This movie is brutal! Lots of gore and torture. I wasn't really expecting that the movie was extreme until I watched the opening of the movie which shows someone chained to two cars. 

That is about all I can say as you will need to watch the movie to find out what happens but it gives a background on what led up to that person being chained. I wasn't familiar with the people that played the characters except for about three people, Brad Dourif, Keith David, and Matt Cohen. I think it was a great movie and gave it four skull stars! 

Movie trailer:

Chain Letter movie trailer

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