Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tamara (2005)


My Rating


Streaming service: Tubi

Date of movie: 2005


Tamara is an outcast in high school and always seems to get made fun of but the tables are turned when things go too far at a supposed party and she dies. The classmates that were involved become the victims of her revenge when her ghost comes back to haunt them. 


I had seen this movie a long time ago but had kind of forgot about it. I remember liking it the first time I watched it. I love the haunting revenge movies. A ghost going on a revenge streak for not being treated right in life.  This movie was spooky and had some jump scares as well. I had forgot some parts of it and didn't remember bits and pieces of the movie so I was happy that I watched it again. Gave this little horror gem four skull stars!

Movie trailer:

Tamara movie trailer

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