Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Bygone Dagger by Joseph Lallo



Five "Mystical Magic" Stars

Fantasy Fun!

A small taste of what lies within:

The Masker family is known for taking contraptions and turning them into something special. When Fel's father acquires a treasure map which points to a location of a treasure vault he sends Fel on a treasure hunting mission to locate certain items within the vault. 

Fel has all the tools he needs to acquire the treasure but bad people are wanting to lay their hands on it too and they will do whatever it takes to make sure that they find it before Fel does, but Fel has some magical help with his lantern Wick who gives him advice along the journey and his friend, Tome who helps him as well. 

Does Fel find the treasure? What does he have to go through to acquire it? Who are the bad people? What kind of trouble do they cause? 

No spoilers here as if you are intrigued then go read this book and series!


This was my first time reading this author and one of my friends recommended this author to me so I read this book with my friend on a buddy read. It was a magical and different type of fantasy story. It reminded me a little bit of a cross between a steampunk fantasy story and a high end fantasy story. Kind of mix and completely different than what I have read in the past with fantasy stories. 

I really loved all the characters as they all come across as down to earth type of people. I was impressed by the author's writing style as the author drew me right into the story and kept me wrapped within the pages. I became so involved in the story that everything around me ceased to exist as I was magically dropped into the world of The Greater Lands. 

I am looking forward to continuing on with the series as I want to see what lies in store for Fel and his family. 

Attached is the author, Joseph Lallo, profile page from Goodreads:

Joseph Lallo

Attached is the author, Joseph Lallo, profile page from Amazon:

Joseph Lallo

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review