Friday, May 5, 2023

Devil in the Darkness by Archie Roy


Three "Spooky Sรฉance" Stars

Haunted Mansion!

A small taste of what lies within:

Paul Wilson and his wife, Carol end up having to pull into the driveway of run down mansion as the blizzard that they found themselves in was too much for them to keep driving. Paul and Carol are kind of surprised when the mansion door opens and someone comes out to greet them as the mansion looks to be abandoned. 

When Paul and Carol are ushered inside they are very surprised to see a few people gathered around and they think maybe they stumbled into some sort of party. Once they meet everyone they learn that the people are there for some sort of sรฉance and they are wanting to contact the dead. From that point on things take an interesting turn and the house comes alive with haunting activity, but they will all have to endure it as the blizzard rages outside and no one can leave!

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was my first time reading this author and as much as I liked the writing style the actual story really did nothing for me. The haunting of the mansion was not super spooky like I thought it would be and the seances become constant throughout the story as one of the characters tells a story about the past. 

As interesting as the past seems to be about what happened in the mansion the story takes a long time getting to that point and it all just seemed drawn out to me which seemed to drag in spots. All in all I am glad I read this book as I have owned it for a long time. 

Attached is the author, Archie Roy, profile page from Goodreads:

Archie Roy

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Goodreads Review

*Note: The author, Archie Roy does not have an Amazon profile so I didn't provide a link on here for Amazon like I normally do for all authors. 

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