Sunday, February 5, 2023

Night Weaver by Brian G. Berry



Four "Spider Invasion" Stars

Spider Action!

A small taste of what lies within:

A small town in Grant, Oregon is home to spiders that have infested themselves into an old house. The house is known as the "spider house" and it has been rumored that the spiders have done some things in the past so people tend to not have anything to do with the house.

But after a couple of kids go missing is when the town goes nutso and they wonder if maybe the kids disappeared into the spider house. Sheriff Kirby and his deputy will have to delve deep into the old house to find out exactly what is going on before anyone else goes missing! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more than you will need to read this book!


Another great book by this author and though it had to do with creepy, crawly spiders this story went totally off the rails with some twisted spider action! The graphic descriptions of what the spiders were doing was just some icky stuff but definitely a fun read! 

The spider action was fast paced and the story just kept clicking along which kept my insomnia fueled a few nights but it also kept me looking around at my arms as I felt that spiders might have been crawling on me. That is usually what happens when I read bug books - I keep thinking I am "feeling" something while I read. 

This was a great book and as always looking forward to reading more of this author's books as I have read a few already and own a few more that I need to step into. 😊

Attached is the author, Brian G. Berry, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Brian G. Berry, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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