Sunday, February 26, 2023

Different Strokes for Different Folks

The title of this blog might seem odd but it revolves around the different types of books we all like to read. Everyone in this world that are book readers like or love books according to their specific tastes in books. Not everyone likes the same books all the time as that is what makes all of us different in this world. 

I am going to try to lay out an opinion on here how I think readers should be towards each other when it comes to reading books. I have seen some things lately on social media that makes me cringe and I always wonder why readers want to drive down other readers for what they read. There is no sense in it at all. 

Everyone is different - everyone has their own books they like to read - everyone has their own movies they like to watch - everyone has their own music they like to listen to - everyone has their own clothes they like to wear. 

My thoughts are this: Read what you want to read. There should be no judging of readers against other readers. Not everyone is the same and not everyone thinks the same. Show kindness to other readers - they are just like anyone else that wants to read books. 

I have seen a lot of stuff on Goodreads lately with readers downing other readers for what they read - that is not right. I have seen some of it on facebook as well.  

Just because the book is not your cup of tea of what other readers are reading do not be critical of other readers. Sometimes you just might be the difference in that reader's life. You might be the bright beacon for helping that reader. 

Good thoughts are this:

Be the difference - have respect for each other - encourage other readers. 

So that is my wrap up thoughts on readers and the books we all read. 

Happy Reading Everyone! πŸ“š


  1. What an excellent post, Marie! I agree with you wholeheartedly. I’m not on social media but I have noticed on Goodreads how people can be so nasty towards one another. It’s even worse when they gang up on someone—especially when it’s so petty, when there’s no good reason. People should just try being kind instead of being hurtful. I must be old, because I still have those old-fashioned values deeply engrained. Maybe newer generations aren’t taught those golden rules, like treat others the way you’d like to be treated, and if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. People like that not only embarrass themselves for all to see but should seriously do some soul searching and try to be a mush better person. As the Jewel song (“Hands”) so perfectly puts it: “In the end, only kindness matters.”

    1. Thank you so much, Angel! I totally agree with what you said as well as I too was brought up the same way. Treat others with kindness and treat them like you like to be treated. There is so much strife in this world that book reading is an escape for most people as they want to read books to escape the world but sometimes the world wants to muddle things up and not let others have that luxury. Awesome comment Angel! :)

    2. I agree wholeheartedly! I am also old fashioned and believe in the value of being a decent human. It certainly is not difficult to do so. I adore this post!

    3. Thank you so much, Karla! 100% agree with you my friend. It doesn't take a lot of effort to be decent to other readers. :)

  2. I read widely - fact and fiction, history and historical fiction, horror (pretty much all sub-genres), comedy, biographies, fictional and factual crime, sci fi, even children's (when I feel like revisiting favourites from my childhood), and more besides. I think we are enriched by reading as broadly as possible as it informs, educates, entertains and (I believe) enhances our ability to recognize that there are other opinions out there equally as valid as our own. Ins o doing, it means we can see all sides to an argument which helps in so many areas of our life and not so quick to judge harshly. So often, when I see someone attacking someone for (basically) not sharing their opinion, I wish they would learn to differentiate between what is an actual demonstrable fact and what is purely their own take on something.

    1. Well said, Cat! Totally agree with you! Thank you for commenting on this post! Much appreciated. :)

  3. Excellent points you make here, Marie. I agree. Books are art and art is subjective. But loving reading and loving books should unite. I don't mind if people like certain types of books or stories, but not others. Angel has it correct when she says people should just try being kind instead of hurtful.

    1. Thank you so much for your input, Jeffrey! Much appreciated. :)
