Friday, February 10, 2023

Dark Observation by Catherine Cavendish



Five "Suspenseful Spooky" Stars

Demonic Twist!

A small taste of what lies within:

Setting: World War II

Vi has found a job that will send her to the depths of a government complex (the war rooms) where she becomes involved with working close with Prime Minister Churchill. While she is getting adjusted to her new job - things happen at a home she is renting - strange things - spooky things that make her wonder what is going on. There are three of them that rent the home from a nice lady, Mrs. Harris - Vi, her friend Tilly, and a strange girl named Sandrine. 

As time goes on with all three of them in the home - the war rages outside but inside the home creepy forces are at work which will send Vi, Tilly and Sandrine on a collision course toward hell! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers, so if you want to know more or your interest is piqued then go grab this book!


Author, Catherine Cavendish never disappoints! I do not read a lot of historical settings within horror but some authors can just weave the horror settings into historical background which can grab the reader and pull them into that time era - Catherine Cavendish is one of those authors! 

This story had it all - suspense, mystery, scratching your head wonderings, demonic theme vibes pulsating throughout the story, historical settings, and tons of things happening that make you think hard. 

When the demonic themes picked up more within the story as most of the story is saturated in it I had a feeling where the story was going as I have read fiction books and non-fiction books on the occult. I have read lots of true paranormal non-fiction books in the past that had demons and the occult involved so I kind of guessed some of it and my brain was already forming scenarios of what was happening to the characters in this book. 

To understand more from where I am coming from then you will need to read the book and discover it for yourself as I have said enough already and don't want to go into it too deep or spoilers might arise. Go read it and let this author swirl you back to World War II letting you discover the mystery of working in war rooms with a dark occult background lurking in the shadows of your mind. 

Attached is the author, Catherine Cavendish, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Catherine Cavendish, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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