Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Rosecliff Manor Haunting (Addison Lockhart #2) by Cheryl Bradshaw



Four "Mysterious Ghosts" Stars

Eerie Spooky Vibes!

A small taste of what lies within:

Addison Lockhart along with her boyfriend Luke tries to solve a haunting mystery of why Addison is having dreams of two young ghost girls. Addison thinks it might be somehow connected to her home that she inherited of Grayson Manor at first but then realizes that it is connected to another manor with the name of Rosecliff. 

Addison realizes that something is amiss when she delves into the mystery of why two sisters died at the manor of Rosecliff as a lot of the townspeople think it was just an accident but the more Addison investigates of what happened the more she seems to think that it was no accident and something else happened! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this series!


I really like this series by the author, Cheryl Bradshaw and I have decided to continue on with the series as I read the first book about three years ago and I own all the books in the series. The stories are stand alone too - the only connection is some of the main characters. All the stories are different. 

I love all the characters in this series and the story moved quickly once it got going. It started out a little slow with a small buildup of background information of what was taking place in the story but once the mystery started to deepen then the pace picked up. Once I was past the 40% mark the story just took off and I felt myself caught up in a wind storm of pace as I was flipping through the pages faster as the mystery of the story intensified and I wanted to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next! Looking forward to continuing on with the series to see what mystery Addison finds herself in next! 

Attached is the author, Cheryl Bradshaw, profile page from Goodreads:

Cheryl Bradshaw

Attached is the author, Cheryl Bradshaw, profile page from Amazon:

My Goodreads Review:

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