Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Pedo Island Bloodbath by Duncan Ralston



Five "Vicious Vamps" Stars

Bloody and Gory Romp!

A small taste of what lies within:

Emory Jackman is known for hosting the best parties for the wealthy and elite so it seems to not be unusual when he invites some friends for a cruise aboard his boat to be taken to Little Pearl Island to have some fun. However things are not all what they seem as creatures of the night are prowling around on the boat and the island lies in wait for a tasty treat of warm blooded bodies!

What is in store for the boat travelers? What lies in wait on the island? Does anyone make it out alive? No spoilers here as you will just need to read the book! 


I wasn't sure where Duncan Ralston was going to be taking me on this hellish ride but once I started reading the book and found out that vampires were involved the story notched up quite a bit. There are quite a few characters to keep track of within this book and a couple or so main characters to track as well. 

The story becomes fast paced more around the 35% mark of the book along with some suspense of what is taking place with the characters. After the halfway point the action picks up and the story goes on a full scale ride into terror. There is lots of blood and gore within the pages of this book but I was not surprised as Ralston has written other books with some red gooey stuff that you have to swim through to reach your destination. I was prepared though as I grabbed my gore suit when everything started to hit the fan! 

So if you want a book that has vampires with lots of blood and gore then check this book out and if you need a gore suit then I have one to lend out! 😁

Attached is the author profile page from Goodreads:

Duncan Ralston

Attached is the author profile page from Amazon:

Duncan Ralston

Attached is my review from Goodreads:


  1. Awesome picture. I love how you blended the cover with the background.

    1. Thank you so much, Graeme! I love being able to blend book covers into backgrounds. :)
