Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Window by Glenn Rolfe



Four "Devilish Demon" Stars!

Demon Twisted Hell Ride!

A taste of what is within:

James is a teenager trying to come to terms with his parents being divorced and having to move away with his mom, but though he is struggling with it, he gets excited when he is able to go stay with his dad (Richie) and his dad's girlfriend for the summer. James has his friends there and he feels that at least he will have some type of normalcy while he stays with his dad.

Things are from normal though as James ends up seeing his dad doing something twisted crazy in front of a window, but what really creeps James out is that there is something with fiery eyes staring back at James from the reflection. As his dad seems to fall into a deep depression and becomes more "strange" James has to figure out what he actually saw in the window and what can he do about it. When he finds out that it could be a demon is when things go off the wicked rails and he tries to figure out how he can save his dad from the demon as it seems that his dad has become a victim of its power! 

That is about all I can give on a taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then you will just need to read the book!


The story with the demons was great and this story was just tied into an occult theme along with personal demons that the father Richie and James were dealing with as they both went through hardships from everything that was happening in their lives. 

I will say this though there is quite a bit of sexual encounters in this book - major horror erotica so if you are not into that type of storyline then this book might not be for you, but the demonic possession/occult theme was really spooky and some parts of the book creeped me out. 

I consider myself a seasoned horror buff and not much creeps me out, but I have to admit that some parts of the demon stuff gave me some twisted dreams and when horror stories like that give me dreams that are "weird" then that means the book has done its job at keeping me spooked! 

The last 30% of the book was a blood/gore infested crazy hellish ride that made me grab my gore suit as when the blood started flying I wanted to make sure that I was covered from head to toe! 

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Glenn Rolfe, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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