Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Troop by Nick Cutter



Five "Wicked Worms" Skulls

Twisted Terror!

A taste of what lies within:

Tim Riggs, scoutmaster for a group of boy scouts takes a few of them on a camping trip to an island off the coast of Canada as it is a once a year ritual. Everyone is having a good time and telling bonfire ghost stories until a "strange man" invades their domain. There wouldn't be anything strange about anyone showing up except they are on a island that is not suppose to have anyone else there. 

The man looks like a walking cadaver and he is very sickly, but when Tim decides to help him as the man says he is hungry and wants some food, that ends up being the biggest mistake of Tim's life as the man is a carrier of something that will not only endanger Tim's life but all of the scouts as well to the point that they wish they had never helped the man as what eventually reveals itself will make them wish that they never went to the island!


This story was insanely twisted and seeing that quite a few of my friends have read the book, I wanted to experience it for myself. There is quite a bit of body horror with descriptive and graphic details laid out by the author which takes this story deep into the author's crazy and messed up mind!

I can say that I have read some "twisted" and "grossed out" stories before so this book was almost like an appetizer to what else I have read in the past and believe this, I have read some whacked out stuff so I just prepared myself for whatever was heading my way and I was very impressed with this author as now he racks up there with all those other books I have read in the past so he can share a shelf with those authors.

First time reading this author, but it will not be my last! Also I suppose that I have a stomach of steel as not once did I get squeamish and having my gore suit on was a definite must with this book. This story is definitely for hard core horror fans as I can see where some people would not be able to read this stuff as the graphic descriptions with what happens to the characters in this story is not for the faint of heart. 

There was some animal torture though in this book which I really didn't care for so those parts I skipped as I won't read about animals being hurt but other than that this book was definitely a book I won't soon forget! Looking forward to reading more by this author! 

Attached is the author, Nick Cutter, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Nick Cutter, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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