Saturday, January 1, 2022

Malice (The Faithful and the Fallen #1) by John Gwynne



Five "Fearless Fighting" Swords

Epic Debut!


The world within this story centers around the Banished Lands which has been known for death and strife in the past with many wars of spilled blood. This world is so big and there are tons of characters within this book that it is best to just give thoughts of the storyline instead of going into a story detail of what happens within. 

This is my second reread of the first book but I plan on reading the rest of the series within the next few months as I want to see how it all turns out and how it all ends. 

This first book is detailed and follows a few characters. Each character has his own chapter and it rotates back and forth throughout the book. 

Certain characters found within that the story follows closely are:

Corban - who is young and impressionable but wants to learn how to fight and stand up for himself. He would like to be a warrior. 

Veradis - wants to be a warrior and he ends up joining with Prince Nathair in his warband

Cywen  - Corbin's sister who looks out for Corbin as Corbin seems to get bullied quite a bit and Cywen is always there to take care of the bullies. 

Nathair - the son of High King Aquilus - seems to do everything his father wants done. 

There are other characters that come into play as well like supporting characters throughout the storyline that all have important roles to play within this story. They are so numerous that it would take forever to list them all, so the best thing to do would be to read the book to experience it for yourself. 

The story is loaded with detailed descriptions of this world along with the characters that are folded within the storyline. There are different villains as well roaming throughout the book which includes: giants, dragons, elementals, etc. The Banished Lands are about to enter a God-War which will bring all races together in a fight for survival. 

This first book was amazing with how the author went into deep detail of everything that happens with not only the characters, but the world of the Banished Lands. The author goes into explicit detail with the characters bringing you in close to the characters and how they feel and what they think as they play a part in this story. 

Looking forward to reading the second book, Valor for the continuing saga of the Banished Lands and its people. 

Attached is the author, John Gwynne, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, John Gwynne, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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