Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Pope Lick Massacre by Eric Butler



Five "Splatter" Stars

Wow! This was a great gore infested romp through the backwoods of Kentucky!

A small taste of what is inside:

A Boy Scout troop goes camping out in the back country of Kentucky and ends up losing contact with family and friends. When everyone begins to worry about what happened to the boy scouts they form a search party to bring them home. What they do not expect is something roams the woods which is considered to be a myth/legend (the Goat Man) and when they realize that what is considered to be a "myth" is really a "fact" then it might be too late for all of them!

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read my full review over on Goodreads.


This was a cool blood splatter ride that kept me in a state of suspense throughout the story! 

The mystery surrounding the myth of the Goat Man is very intriguing and as I became involved in the storyline, the tension along with the fast paced page turning kept me entranced as I made my way through the book!

This was a new author to me and I was impressed of how quick I became involved in the storyline as when the book took off, I was dragged along by my heels toward the unknown and there was no time to catch my breath as I flew through the storyline to see what was going to happen next! There was so much splatter in this book that it was a good thing I had my gore suit handy as it is definitely needed for reading this book! 

Highly Recommend!

For my full review of the book, The Pope Lick Massacre, by author, Eric Butler, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Eric Butler, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Eric Butler, profile page from Amazon:


  1. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. This review really made my day!
