Friday, April 16, 2021

Announcement to Email Subscribers!

 Important Announcement

To all my email subscribers:

I have been informed from the Blogger site that email subscriptions will cease July 2021. This means that you will no longer be able to get updates in your email from when I do a blog. 

The blog site will still be here but for some reason the website has decided to discontinue the email subscriptions for all subscribers. 

Do not get discouraged though as you can save my blog link in your web browser as a favorite and still be able to access the blog. For those of you that are either friends with me or following me on facebook, you will still be able to see the blogs I post. For those of you that do not have social media other than the blog then you will need to just save the link to access my blog site. 

Very sorry for the inconvenience but this was unexpected as it is totally out of my control. I will send reminders to you in May and June. So we still have two and half months till it all comes to a stop. 

Thank you for subscribing and thanks for reading my blogs! All of you rock! :)

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