Five "Haunting Horror" Stars
Wow! What a fun horror ride this book turned out to be!
A small taste of what lies within:
A new teacher (Ryan Herb) is starting a new job at Pinewood Elementary, but when he learns of the schools sordid past is when things go awry for him as he starts having nightmares of past tragedies from the school. When he starts sleepwalking is when things kick up a notch for him as now he has become involved in something that could very well send him on a path of horror.
That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read my full review on Goodreads.
This book just took me on a mysterious horror ride into the unknown as I became totally involved in the storyline as I moved through this book. The creepiness of the haunting within the story along with the nightmares that the character Ryan has to endure just kept me wanting more as I moved at a fast clip through the book. All the supporting characters were fleshed out and very believable as the mystery and horror enveloped this story. There were some twists along the way which kept me transfixed in my cozy chair and I read the last 30% of the story quick as I could not put the book down!
For my full review of the book, Dark Halls, by author, Jeff Menapace, please see my review from Goodreads:
Attached is the author, Jeff Menapace, profile page from Goodreads:
Attached is the author, Jeff Menapace, profile page from Amazon: