Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Vatican Children (World of Shadows #2) by Lincoln Cole



Five "Frightening Demonic Action" Stars

Spooky and Creepy!

A small taste of what lies within:

Arthur along with Father Niccolo Paladina are on the hunt for the Bishop as he escaped their clutches when they were in Everett Washington but this time they might be in way over their heads as children are involved in the Bishop's plan. As the both of them race against time to hunt down the Bishop, the Vatican church seems to be in the shadows as someone else wants to hunt down the Bishop and they send a man that cleans up messes. But how far will anyone go to capture the Bishop and his well laid plans?  

No spoilers here as you will need to read the first book in the series and step into this horror filled journey!


This sequel to the first book, The Everett Exorcism, basically picks up right where the first book left off and it is off to the races as things start happening quick. There is a little more corruption within this story as more things are revealed about the character the Bishop - he seems to be more evil in this book and the other characters of Arthur and the priest Niccolo are also more well rounded as more things are revealed about them as well. 

The author is slowly bringing the puzzle pieces together for this story and slowly interlocking the pieces as things become more clear within the story. I am loving this series and looking forward to reading book three to see how it all ends. 

Attached is the author, Lincoln Cole, profile page from Goodreads:

Lincoln Cole

Attached is the author, Lincoln Cole, profile page from Amazon:

Lincoln Cole

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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